In the form of the redlining (RL) measurement the data are displayed which were assigned to the object. This object class is a polygon.
In addition, the objects of the respective object class belonging to the measurement can be opened.
1. The designation/name of the measurement is displayed. This is a required field.
2. The company that carried out the measurement is displayed or can be registered.
3. The date and time of the synchronisation of the field reports is displayed.
4. The date of transfer to NET ENGINEERING is displayed.
5. Information on the measurement is displayed or can be stored.
6. The area of the polygon enclosing the measurement (maximum extent of all associated survey points) is displayed.
7.The document management can be opened and files belonging to the measurement can be linked or opened.
8. The RL terminators imported with the measurement can be opened with in the form or with for all measurements in the filter.
9. The RL fittings imported with the measurement can be opened with in the form or with for all measurements in the filter.
10. The RL cables imported with the measurement can be opened with in the form or with for all measurements in the filter.
11. The RL closures imported with the measurement can be opened with in the form or with for all measurements in the filter.
12. The RL ducts imported with the measurement can be opened with in the form or with for all measurements in the filter.
13. The RL structures imported with the measurement can be opened with in the form or with for all measurements in the filter.
14. The RL segments imported with the measurement can be opened with in the form or with for all measurements in the filter.
15. The RL connections imported with the measurement can be opened with in the form or with for all measurements in the filter.
16. The RL measurement points imported with the measurement can be opened with in the form or with for all measurements in the filter.
17. The RL measurement lines imported with the measurement can be opened with in the form or with for all measurements in the filter.