RL Segment

In the form of the redlining (RL) segment, the attributes are displayed that were assigned to the segment in NET BUILD.

In addition, the objects of the respective object class belonging to the segment can be opened.


1. The name of the measurement with which the segment was imported is displayed.
2. The category of the segment is displayed or can be selected from the drop-down list.
3. The check state is displayed. This can be adjusted manually or changes automatically when the geometry of the segment has been edited.


4. The source feature is displayed. It can be a building or a segment.
5. The corresponding object from NET BUILD is displayed with its URL.
6. The content of the segment is displayed in a treeview.
7. The date of completion, of the segment in NET BUILD, is displayed.
8. The construction type is taken over and displayed.
9. The surface type of the segment is displayed.
10. Information on the segment can be stored.
11. The length of the line is displayed.
12. The laying depth of the segment is displayed.
13. The document management can be opened and files belonging to the segment can be linked or opened.
14. The RL attributes imported with the segment can be opened with Redlining_Formulare_drei Punkte Button.png in the form or with Redlining_Formulare_für alle Objekte im Filter_Pfeil.png for all segments in the filter.
15. The RL ducts imported with the segment can be opened with Redlining_Formulare_drei Punkte Button.png in the form or with Redlining_Formulare_für alle Objekte im Filter_Pfeil.png for all segments in the filter.
16. The RL cables imported with the segment can be opened with Redlining_Formulare_drei Punkte Button.png in the form or with Redlining_Formulare_für alle Objekte im Filter_Pfeil.png for all segments in the filter.
17. The RL measurement points imported with the segment can be opened with Redlining_Formulare_drei Punkte Button.png in the form or with Redlining_Formulare_für alle Objekte im Filter_Pfeil.png for all segments in the filter.
18. The service items belonging to the segment can be opened with Redlining_Formulare_drei Punkte Button.png in the form or with Redlining_Formulare_für alle Objekte im Filter_Pfeil.png for all segments in the filter.