Areas that were planned in NET Engineering can be transferred to NET Build with the help of NET Build Push.
The export is started in the Cluster form via the menu item of the same name.
The data transfer can be started directly or a validation can be carried out beforehand.
The NET Build Push can be selected in the selection list.
The following dialogue opens:
1. The URL to NET Build. The URL for retrieving the data must be specified according to the scheme"https://[your_NET_BUILD_INSTANCE]".
2. The login data (email address and password) must be entered.
3. Starting the application.
The NET Build Synchronisation will then open:
The following information is required on the "Upload" tab:
1. network operator
2. programme: project
3. segment: sub-project
4. region: sub-region
These details correspond to the respective configuration in NET Build
5. A new region can be created in NET Build here.
6. The NET Build Push (data transfer to NET Build) is started.
7. the export history can be displayed and the log file can be saved.
If there is no region in the selected area, it must be created again:
The following dialogue opens:
The following area types can be selected:
- Federal state
- City
- Distribution cluster
- POP zone
- NVT zone
In the parent region, you specify the region below which the newly created region is created. If the field remains empty, the region is created at the first level.
Click on check box “Create region only in selected segment” to create a new region to be visible in the selected segment.
Once all the information has been entered, the region can be created:
A message confirms that the area has been created
This area can now be selected.
The cluster types can be selected on the Settings tab.
It is also possible to automatically create a sub-region for each distribution cluster that is transferred to NET Build.
Customised attributes can be updated, files can be uploaded from the document management and validations can be carried out.
The start is made with the button
The work steps are displayed accordingly.
The exported area is displayed in NET Build and can be edited:
The validation can be selected in the selection list.
The following dialogue opens:
1. The selected cluster is displayed, can be removed as a selection and a new cluster can be selected in the graphic.
2. Different tests can be selected individually.
a) A warning appears if there are buildings with the same address. The number of buildings with the same address is also displayed.
b) The system checks whether the cable is connected to only one device or none at all.
c) Ducts that are not assigned to a segment are listed and displayed with their name. If the duct has no name, the FID is displayed.
d) A warning appears if there are lead-in ducts with the same name. The number of lead-in ducts with the same name is also displayed.
e) This checks whether there are train paths with invalid geometry that are to be transferred to NET Build. A validation message is displayed for each affected route.
f) This validation checks whether there are routes without pipe and cable.
g) This validation checks whether an attempt is being made to transfer composite pipes/single pipes without names.
3. All tests can be selected with one click.
4. The search for problems can be started.
5. The validation can be closed.
If problems are found, these are indicated by the red colouring of the respective check. No errors have occurred for tests coloured green.
If you open the check, all errors found are displayed. The context menu can be used to open the form for each faulty object or to highlight it in the graphic.