Release Notes NET 13.3


With the new version NET 13.3, the Infas 360 data import is now available in NET Engineering. Through this importer, address data from can be retrieved. This data import is subject to charges. Please contact sales for a quote. 

Also new is our integration with . This functionality is available in NET Design and allows viewing Street Smart's panorama views within the map. An additional license from Cyclomedia is required to access this feature.

Note for customers with customizations: The Cyclomedia integration was not included in the installers for NET with customizations. If you wish to use the integration, you can contact our support to have the Cyclomedia integration activated in your installer.


In our data model for Redlining, the necessary preparatory work has also been done to enable collaboration with the upcoming NET Scan App. NET 13.3 is a prerequisite for using the new app.

Additionally, many other functions have been improved and corrected in this version, which can be found in the details. A significant bug fix relates to a database function for PostgreSQL. The correction of this function results in a much faster renaming of cables and pipes when many labels are activated in the project.

Supported Software

  • Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D

    • Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2022.0.1 - Autodesk AutoCAD 2022.1.3 or later

    • Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2023.0.2 - Autodesk AutoCAD 2023.1.1 or later

    • Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2024.0.1 - Autodesk AutoCAD 2024.1 or later

  • TKI PostgreSQL Provider 4.1.0

  • Comsof Fiber Designer 2019.2.2 - Comsof Fiber Designer 22.2

  • Comsof Fiber 23.1 - Comsof Fiber 23.2

  • TKI Licensing 13.0
    (Only required for a manual installation on the network license server)

Note: Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2023.0.4 is currently not supported.


Release NET 13.3 in Detail


  • The form for including external references using the 'XRefLoader' extension has been updated and now offers default values for most input fields. Additionally there is no need for manual changes to enable the file selection anymore and the field names are not localized correctly (English / German).

Documentation Pack

  • DocPack outputs from different subtemplates within a template can no longer overwrite each other.

  • The DocPack configuration now uses the standard format 'yyyy-MM-dd' for date tokens (DATE) without format specification.

NET Design


  • There is now a new menu “Cyclomedia” via which a connection to the Cyclomedia service can be established.
    This makes it possible to display and use the panoramic images and functions provided by Cyclomedia in a separate interface.


  • There is now a new importer “Import from GeoPackage” which can be used to import GeoPackage files.

Comsof Fiber Integration

  • Creation of possible trenches based on parcels containing multi-polygon geometries is now possible.

  • Properties that are not allowed to be changed by the user in Comsof Advanced settings are now hidden as of version 23.2.

NET Engineering


  • A bug in a database function for PostGIS has been fixed. This bug caused updates to certain labels to be executed significantly slower than expected. The issue was particularly noticeable when renaming ducts and cables, as this triggered the label updates. In rare cases, this bug could also lead to a crash.

  • Assigning a closure or terminator to a building now also works if the building is digitized directly on the device.

  • Error in workflow “Create duct template” fixed. This possible to recreate the duct templates and assign them to ducts. They are also properly displayed in the cross section again.

  • The deletion of a protective duct does not delete the duct bundle automatically if the duct bundle is assigned to other segments.

  • The duct tap label does not show duct bundles twice.

  • FID_STRUCTURE_POINT & FID_BUILDING has been added to map views in Data model.

  • It is now possible to assign a cross section template to a segment without geometry without an error being displayed.

  • Comsof: Import Material Definition can now import “common ducts” from a rules file.

  • The import from Infas geodata is now also available for NET Engineering. This function is launched using the context menu of the industry model explorer. The import requires license credits that have to be purchased separately.

  • View for switching point assignments no longer produce an error in the 1-click-maintenance and correctly display their geometry.


  • Objects with indirect geometry can now also be marked in the “Verify FO cable geometries”, “Verify TP cable geometry” and “Verify duct geometries” workflows.

Connection editor

  • The Type from the settings window was disappearing while choosing another configuration. This problem has been fixed.


  • If a FO cable section or TP cable section is, for example, in a segment and also in a subordinate duct, there is now no longer an error when opening the cable section form.

  • The validations for the functions “Assign child ducts/cables to one more segment”, “Assign child ducts/cables as copy to one more segment” and “Assign child ducts/cables to one more segment/duct” have been standardized so that all assignment functions now follow the same validation rules. Various minor problems within the three functions have also been fixed.

  • There are now three new named projections in the Buildings form, which show all duct insertions, FO terminators and TP terminators of the filtered buildings.

  • For Cable, shown in the form of terminator and closure, multi selection is now possible. The context menu functions are available for all cables in the selection, except “Change alias” and “Set fault” which are deactivated for multi selection

  • The forms for segment, duct and TP/FO cable sections have been adapted: The fields in the 'Assignments' area are now read-only.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented reports from being generated under Oracle.

  • The FO Spliceoverview shows the fiber name instead of the number again.

  • The internal assignment of the position numbers of the micro ducts has been corrected, thus they are now ordered correctly in the 'Duct Connection' report.

  • An incorrect translation in the report 'FO Connectors (used) at Terminator' has been corrected.


  • SQL filter in forms “White spots” and “Expansion area BFP” adjusted.


  • The TNIM Import now creates connection lines between switching points and terminator/closures.

  • If a value in the TNIM file exceeds the permissible size of the attribute in NET Engineering during import, the import is aborted with a corresponding message. Using a new TNIM import option for SQLite projects, these aborts can be prevented and reduced to a warning in the log.

  • Large import processes such as the TNIM import or the creation of the low level design from NET Design now ignore the project options of the target project, which determine the status or client for all newly created objects. The imported objects now always have the status and client according to the import source.

Import from NET Build

  • Names have been harmonized in the dialogs for “Data transfer to NET Build”, “Synchronize NET Build field reports” and “Documentation data transfer”.
  • They have also been renamed “Export to NET Build”, “Import from NET Build” and “Redlining data transfer”
  • During import from NET Build and export to NET Build, it is now possible to filter the log messages.
  • When importing from NET Build, the name of the trench is now transferred.

  • The NET REST interface, which splits up the design elements, now generates a job with which the respective steps and statuses can be tracked.

  • When importing from NET Build, a bug has been fixed that prevented the service items from being assigned correctly if a trench had not yet been fully meassured in NET Build.

  • If a user tries to log in for the import from NET Build and is missing authorizations, these are displayed in an error.

Export to NET Build

  • When exporting to NET Build, the attribute for the type of building unit is also transferred.

  • Only accounts with admin rights are allowed to create regions.

  • When exporting to NET Build, two new fields are now added for cables that allow a direct reference to start and end nodes.

  • If a user tries to log in for the export to NET Build and is missing permissions, these are displayed in an error.

  • The data transfer from NET Engineering to NET Build now also supports the transfer of files that are linked to objects via document management.


  • In the Redlining measurement form, the “Created on” field has been replaced by a separate field, as there was a collision with the general creation date (DATE_CREATED).

  • Redlining feature classes have been extended by attributes DATE_CREATED, USER_CREATED, DATE_MODIFIED and USER_MODIFIED.

  • The “Typ” field in the Redlining Muffe form is marked as an optional field.

  • The output of the redlining validation has been improved so that the captions are now displayed.

  • Redlining measurement form has been updated with new fields for displaying and filtering new objects

  • There is a new action for the transfer of site plan objects in the data transfer documentation, which makes it possible to transfer the redlining survey points/lines to the site plan objects.

  • There is a new validation, which checks if there are any redlining ducts with missing fittings.

  • The “documentation data transfer” from Redlining to NET Engineering now supports a new action for splitting segments according to service items.

Documentation Pack

  • The report “duct tap label” was updated. Now all ducts with either an open end or a connection on the given duct tap will be displayed. Furthermore the correct end points of the duct bundles will be displayed now and the table columns are consistently ordered using multiple sorting criteria. Selecting multiple duct taps at once does not lead to issues during report generation anymore as well.

NET Field Survey


  • The form “Duct Type Constraint” has a new seperated entry and reference for “Street center lines”. The entry for “Possible trenches” will no longer contain reference to “Street center lines”.

NET Cloud

Geoserver configuration

  • A view has been created for NET Cloud which provides information about all attributes of all feature classes. It is served through the geoserver using the publishing process.



  • A new parameter “NoAccuracyHandling” has been added for handling missing measurement accuracy for markups in production reports.

  • Status code for Redlining Validation matches the HTTP status code in the problem details.

Changes to the Data Model since NET 13.0

NET Design

Base Data Model


  • Added additional target tables in FID_FEATURE to the table TC_PL_ATTR_VALUE.






  • No changes to the data model - Structural update only for new forms and reports

GIS-Nebenbestimmungen Data Model


  • Removed "BMVI" from all captions.

  • Added new column BMVI_IS_TECH in TC_PL_DEMAND_POINT with relation to TC_PL_BMVI_TECH_IS_TBD.

  • Added new column BMVI_PLAN_AUSB in TC_PL_DEMAND_POINT with relation to TC_PL_BMVI_PLAN_AUSB_TBD.

  • Added new column BMVI_TECH_1_YEAR_INT in TC_PL_DEMAND_POINT with relation to TC_PL_BMVI_TECH_IS_TBD.

  • Added new column BMVI_TECH_3_YEAR_INT in TC_PL_DEMAND_POINT with relation to TC_PL_BMVI_TECH_IS_TBD.

  • Added new domain table TC_PL_BMVI_PLAN_AUSB_TBD.

    • 3 - Pre-marketing is carried out

  • Added new domain table TC_PL_BMVI_TECH_IS_TBD.

    • 1 - FTTB/H

    • 2 - HFC

    • 8 - Other Technology


  • The captions of a few remaining identifiers have been changed from “BMVI” to “GIS-NB”. There are not structural changes.

NET Engineering

Base Data Model


  • No changes to the data model - Structural update only for new forms and reports


  • The size of the column INFO in the Action area (TC_ACTION_AREA) feature class has been increased to 255 characters.

  • The columns DATE_CREATED, DATE_MODIFIED, USER_CREATED and USER_MODIFIED were added to the following views:






    • TC_M_SP_POLE



  • The backing table for the color table (TC_COLOR) was updated.

    • The column AutoCAD index (ACAD_INDEX) is not optional anymore and got the default value 0

    • The column blue value (B_VALUE) is not optional anymore and got the default value 0

    • The column dashed (DASHED) is not optional anymore and got the default value 0

    • The column green value (G_VALUE) is not optional anymore and got the default value 0

    • The column position(ORDER_ID) is not optional anymore and got the default value 0

    • The column red value (R_VALUE) is not optional anymore and got the default value 0


  • Changed view TC_REP_LINE_FROM_TO.
    This is an internal changed. Interface and output of the view are unchanged.

  • Changed database function TC_F_CONN_WALKER.
    Interface and result of the function remain the same. Only the processing performance got improved.

Duct Data Model


  • No changes to the data model - Structural update only for new forms and reports


  • The columns DATE_CREATED, DATE_MODIFIED, USER_CREATED and USER_MODIFIED were added to the following views:


    • TC_M_CS_DUCT

    • TC_M_SP_DUCT




  • The field LENGTH got added to the view TC_REP_SEGMENTCOSTS, in case it was not present already.


  • No changes to the data model - Structural update only for new forms and reports

Fiber Optic Data Model


  • No changes to the data model - Structural update only for new forms and reports

  • The columns DATE_CREATED, DATE_MODIFIED, USER_CREATED and USER_MODIFIED were added to the following views:





  • The text format of the output of the following views as fixed. There are no structure changes.



  • The size of the column INFO in cable loop (TC_FO_CABLE_LOOP) feature classes got increased to 255 characters


  • The columns DATE_CREATED, DATE_MODIFIED, USER_CREATED and USER_MODIFIED were added to the following views:





  • The text format of the output of the following views as fixed. There are no structure changes.



  • The size of the column INFO in the cable loop (TC_FO_CABLE_LOOP) got increased to 255 characters.


  • Altered view TC_M_FO_CLOSURE: The columns FID_BUILDING and FID_STRUCTURE_POINT were added.

  • Altered view TC_M_FO_SP_ASSIGNMENTS.

    • FID column does not reference the TC_POINT of the closure or the terminator, but the TC_FO_CONNECTION_LINE

    • DEV_FID references the TC_POINT of the closure or the terminator.

    • GEOM is not generated dynamically anymore, but fetched from TC_FO_CONNECTION_LINE.

  • Altered view TC_M_FO_TERMINATOR: The columns FID_BUILDING and FID_STRUCTURE_POINT were added.

Telephony Data Model


  • No changes to the data model - Structural update only for new forms and reports


  • The columns DATE_CREATED, DATE_MODIFIED, USER_CREATED and USER_MODIFIED were added to the following views:





  • The text format of the output of the following views as fixed. There are no structure changes.




  • Altered view TC_M_TP_CLOSURE: The columns FID_BUILDING and FID_STRUCTURE_POINT were added.

  • Altered view TC_M_TP_SP_ASSIGNMENTS.

    • FID column does not reference the TC_POINT of the closure or the terminator, but the TC_TP_CONNECTION_LINE

    • DEV_FID references the TC_POINT of the closure or the terminator.

    • GEOM is not generated dynamically anymore, but fetched from TC_TP_CONNECTION_LINE.

  • Altered view TC_M_TP_TERMINATOR: The columns FID_BUILDING and FID_STRUCTURE_POINT were added.

GIS-Nebenbestimmungen Data Model


  • Added new column BMVI_IS_TECH in TC_TG_BUILDING with relation to TC_BMVI_TECH_IS_TBD.ID.

  • Added new column BMVI_PLAN_AUSB in TC_TG_BUILDING with relation to TC_BMVI_PLAN_AUSB_TBD.ID.

  • Added new column BMVI_TECH_1_YEAR_INT in TC_TG_BUILDING with relation to TC_BMVI_TECH_IS_TBD.ID.

  • Added new column BMVI_TECH_3_YEAR_INT in TC_TG_BUILDING with relation to TC_BMVI_TECH_IS_TBD.ID.

  • Added new domain table TC_BMVI_PLAN_AUSB_TBD.

    • 3 - Pre-marketing is carried out

  • Added new domain table TC_BMVI_TECH_IS_TBD.

    • 1 - FTTB/H

    • 2 - HFC

    • 8 - Other Technology


  • The captions of a few remaining identifiers have been changed from “BMVI” to “GIS-NB”. There are not structural changes.


  • No changes to the data model - Structural update only for new forms and reports

Redlining Data Model


  • Added new column FID_STRUCTURE in TC_RL_CLOSURE with relation to TC_RL_STRUCTURE.FID.

  • Additional target table for the relation from TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_POINT.FID_FEATURE to TC_TG_BUILDING.FID.

  • Added new object class TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_L_MODEL.

  • Added new column FID_MODEL in TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_LINE with relation to TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_L_MODEL.FID.

  • Removed column ID_TYPE from TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_LINE.

  • Adjusted the view TC_M_RL_MEASUREMENT_LINE to use FID_MODEL instead of ID_TYPE.

  • Removed domain table TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_L_TYPE_TBD.

  • Added new object class TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_P_MODEL.


  • Removed column ID_TYPE from TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_POINT.

  • Adjusted the view TC_M_RL_MEASUREMENT_POINT to use FID_MODEL instead of ID_TYPE.

  • Removed domain table TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_P_TYPE_TBD.


  • The column FID_PARENT was removed from the Redlining Fitting (TC_RL_FITTING)

  • The German caption of the column CONSTRUCTION_TYPE in Redlining Trasse (TC_RL_SEGMENT) got changed.


  • New columns DATE_CREATED, DATE_MODIFIED, USER_CREATED and USER_MODIFIED got added to the following tables:






    • TC_RL_DUCT








  • New columns DATE_CREATED, DATE_MODIFIED, USER_CREATED and USER_MODIFIED got added to the following views:






  • New column NAME got added to TC_PL_SEGMENT.

  • New feature class TC_RL_SCAN was created.

  • Reference column FID_SCAN with a reference to TC_RL_SCAN was added to the following columns:



    • TC_RL_DUCT







  • New column DATE_SYNC got added to TC_RL_MEASUREMENT.

  • Reference column ID_TYPE_SURVEY with a reference to TC_SP_LINE_TYPE_TBD got added to TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_LINE.

  • Reference column ID_TYPE_SURVEY with a reference to TC_SP_POINT_TYPE_TBD got added to TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_POINT.

NET Field Survey

Base Data Model


  • No changes to the data model - Structural update only for new forms and reports

GIS-Nebenbestimmungen Data Model


  • The captions of a few remaining identifiers have been changed from “BMVI” to “GIS-NB”. There are not structural changes.



  • A new view for the plot sequences has been added (TC_V_PLOT_SEQUENCE)

Changes to the dialogs since NET 13.0

NET Design

Base Data Model


  • New dialog for Boundary (TC_PL_BOUNDARY): Attribute Value (TC_PL_ATTR_VALUE)

  • New dialog for Parcel (TC_PL_PARCEL): Attribute Value (TC_PL_ATTR_VALUE)

  • New dialog for Rollout Area (TC_PL_ROLLOUT_AREA): Attribute Value (TC_PL_ATTR_VALUE)

  • New dialog for Subarea (TC_PL_SUBAREA): Attribute Value (TC_PL_ATTR_VALUE)

  • New references from Cable Type (TC_PL_CABLE_TYPE.FID)




  • The number of decimal places for the display has been set to 2.

    • Boundary (TC_PL_BOUNDARY) - Length in m (LENGTH)

    • Boundary (TC_PL_BOUNDARY) - Width (WIDTH)

    • Building → Number of residents (TC_PL_RESIDENT) - Adoption rate (ADOPTION_RATE)

    • Building → Number of residents (TC_PL_RESIDENT) - Expected revenue (EXPECTED_REVENUE)

    • Demand Point → Number of residents (TC_PL_RESIDENT) - Adoption rate (ADOPTION_RATE)

    • Demand Point → Number of residents (TC_PL_RESIDENT) - Expected revenue (EXPECTED_REVENUE)

    • Number of residents (TC_PL_RESIDENT) - Adoption rate (ADOPTION_RATE)

    • Number of residents (TC_PL_RESIDENT) - Expected revenue (EXPECTED_REVENUE)

    • Result Kabelloop (TC_PL_OUT_CABLE_LOOP) - Length (LENGTH)

GIS-Nebenbestimmung Data Model


  • Dialog for Demand Point (TC_PL_DEMAND_POINT):

    • Changed control for "Technology within one year" from text field to dropdown. Database field changed from BMVI_TECH_1_YEAR to BMVI_TECH_1_YEAR_INT.

    • Changed control for "Technology within three years" from text field to dropdown. Database field changed from BMVI_TECH_3_YEAR to BMVI_TECH_3_YEAR_INT.

    • Changed control for "Technology Is Supply" from text field to dropdown. Database field changed from BMVI_TECH_IS to BMVI_IS_TECH.

    • Added new dropdown "Expansion Plan" (BMVI_PLAN_AUSB)


  • The caption “BMVI” has been replaced by “GIS-NB” in the following dialogs:

    • Cable (TC_PL_CABLE)

    • Duct (TC_PL_DUCT)

    • Expansion area (TC_PL_EXPANSION_AREA)

    • Layer Point (TC_PL_LAYER_POINT)

    • Market survey (TC_PL_MARKET_SURVEY)

    • Possible trench (TC_PL_POSSIBLE_TRENCH)

    • Structure (TC_PL_STRUCTURE)

  • Controls related to GIS-NB have been moved to the GIS-NB tab.

    • Expansion area (TC_PL_EXPANSION_AREA)

    • Foreign area (TC_PL_FOREIGN_AREA)

    • Political area (TC_PL_POLITICAL_AREA)

    • White spot (TC_PL_WHITE_SPOT)

  • The number of decimal places for the display has been set to 2.

    • Expansion area (TC_PL_EXPANSION_AREA) - Area (AREA)

    • Foreign area (TC_PL_FOREIGN_AREA) - Area (AREA)

    • Market survey (TC_PL_MARKET_SURVEY) - Area (AREA)

    • Political area (TC_PL_POLITICAL_AREA) - Area (AREA)

    • White spot (TC_PL_WHITE_SPOT) - Area (AREA)

NET Engineering

Base Data Model


  • The number of decimal places for the display has been set to 2.

    • Action Area (TC_ACTION_AREA) - Area (AREA)

    • Action Area Label (TC_ACTION_AREA_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Cluster Grid (TC_CLUSTER_GRID) - Area (AREA)

    • Cabinet Label (TC_SP_CABINET_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Manhole Label (TC_SP_MANHOLE_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Survey Plan Point (TC_SP_POINT) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Pole Label (TC_SP_POLE_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Segment Label (TC_SP_SEGMENT_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Switching Point Label (TC_SP_SWITCHING_POINT_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Building Label (TC_TG_BUILDING_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Topography point (TC_TG_POINT) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Topography cluster (TC_TG_POLYGON) - Area (AREA)

    • Street Label (TC_TG_STREET_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

  • All Info fields (INFO) have been set to have the height of 51, to support multiple lines and automatically apply line breaks. Changes were done in the following dialogs:

    • Action area (TC_ACTION_AREA)

    • Element library (TC_ELEMENT_LIBRARY)

    • Line (TC_LINE)

    • Point (TC_POINT)

    • Drilling rig (TC_SP_DRILLING_RIG)

    • Marker (TC_SP_MARKER)

    • Marker model (TC_SP_MARKER_MODEL)

    • Patch panel (TC_SP_PATCH_PANEL)

    • Patch panel model (TC_SP_PATCH_PANEL_MODEL)

    • Rack panel (TC_SP_RACK_PANEL)

    • Rack panel model (TC_SP_RACK_PANEL_MODEL)

    • Status (TC_STATUS)

    • Switching point model (TC_SWITCHING_POINT_MODEL)

    • Topography point (TC_TG_POINT)

    • Topography cluster (TC_TG_POLYGON)


  • Dialog definitions for the following views got removed and replaced with a redirect to the base table.

    • TC_V_COLOR

    • TC_V_CONN




Duct Data Model


  • The number of decimal places for the display has been set to 2.

    • Duct insertion label (TC_SP_DUCT_INSERTION_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Duct tap line (TC_SP_DUCT_TAP_LINE) - Length (LENGTH)

    • Duct tap line label (TC_SP_DUCT_TAP_LINE_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Duct tap label (TC_SP_DUCT_TAP_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Duct label (TC_SP_DUCT_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Duct (TC_SP_FITTING_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

  • All Info fields (INFO) have been set to have the height of 51, to support multiple lines and automatically apply line breaks. Changes were done in the following dialogs:

    • Duct tap model (TC_SP_DUCT_TAP_MODEL)


  • New projection added to TC_TG_BUILDING pointing the the duct terminators inside the building.

  • Dialog definitions for the following views got removed and replaced with a redirect to the base table.


Fiber Optic Data Model


  • Dialog for Fiber Optic Splice (TC_FO_SPLICE):

    • New named filters:

      • Show splices

      • Show stored fibers

      • Show uncut fibers in BA

      • Show uncut fibers

    • New SQL Label "Splice Type" ($SQLLABELSPLICETYPE)

    • Corrected positioning of Document Management ($DOCUMENTMANAGER)


  • The number of decimal places for the display has been set to 2.

    • FO cable loop label (TC_FO_CABLE_LOOP_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • FO cable model (TC_FO_CABLE_MODEL) - Diameter (DIAMETER)

    • FO connector label (TC_FO_CONNECTOR_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • FO fiber label (TC_FO_FIBER_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • FO patch data (TC_FO_PATCH_DATA) - Attenuation (ATTENUATION)

    • FO patch fiber label (TC_FO_PATCH_FIBER_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • FO patch label (TC_FO_PATCH_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • FO splice graphics label (TC_FO_SPLICE_GRAPHICS_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • FO splice label (TC_FO_SPLICE_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • FO splitter path label (TC_FO_SPLITTER_PATH_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • FO splitter label (TC_FO_SPLITTER_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • FO terminator label (TC_FO_TERMINATOR_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

  • All Info fields (INFO) have been set to have the height of 51, to support multiple lines and automatically apply line breaks. Changes were done in the following dialogs:

    • FO cable loop (TC_FO_CABLE_LOOP)

    • FO closure model (TC_FO_CLOSURE_MODEL)

  • New API controls have been added to the FO closure (TC_FO_CLOSURE) and the FO terminator (TC_FO_TERMINATOR)



  • Dialog FO splice (TC_FO_SPLICE) - The display for the connected splitters got corrected. The queries of the controls $SQLLABELSPLITTER1 and $SQLLABELSPLITTER2 got fixed.


  • New projection added to TC_TG_BUILDING pointing the the fiber optic terminators inside the building.

  • Dialog definitions for the following views got removed and replaced with a redirect to the base table.






    • TC_V_FO_TRAY




Telephony Data Model


  • The number of decimal places for the display has been set to 2.

    • Telephony cable loop (TC_TP_CABLE_LOOP) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Telephony cable model (TC_TP_CABLE_MODEL) - Diameter (DIAMETER)

    • Telephony cable label (TC_TP_CABLE_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Telephony closure label (TC_TP_CLOSURE_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Telephony patch data (TC_TP_PATCH_DATA) - Attenuation (ATTENUATION)

    • Telephony patch label (TC_TP_PATCH_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Telephony pin data (TC_TP_PIN_DATA) - Attenuation (ATTENUATION)

    • Telephony splice data (TC_TP_SPLICE_DATA) - Attenuation (ATTENUATION)

    • Telephony splice graphics label (TC_TP_SPLICE_GRAPHICS_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Telephony terminator label (TC_TP_TERMINATOR_TBL) - Orientation (ORIENTATION)

    • Telephony wire data (TC_TP_WIRE_DATA) - Attenuation (ATTENUATION)

  • New API controls have been added to the Telephony closure (TC_TP_CLOSURE) and the Telephony terminator (TC_TP_TERMINATOR)




  • New projection added to TC_TG_BUILDING pointing the the telephony terminators inside the building.

  • Dialog definitions for the following views got removed and replaced with a redirect to the base table.




    • TC_V_TP_PINS


Redlining Data Model


  • Dialog for Redlining Closure (TC_PL_CLOSURE):

    • New reference field for Redlining Structure (FID_STRUCTURE)

    • Corrected positioning of Redlining Source Object (SOURCE_OBJECT)

  • Dialog for Measurement Line (TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_LINE):

    • Replaced reference to type ID_TYPE with FID_MODEL

    • Corrected positioning of all controls

  • New dialog for Measurement Line Model (TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_L_MODEL)

  • Dialog for Measurement Point (TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_POINT):

    • Extended target tables for parent object (FID_PARENT) to include Building (TC_TG_BUILDING)

    • Replaced reference to type ID_TYPE with FID_MODEL

    • Corrected positioning of all controls

  • New dialog for Measurement Point Model (TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_P_MODEL)

  • Corrected positioning of Source Object (SOURCE_OBJECT) in Redlining Segment (TC_RL_SEGMENT)

  • Corrected positioning of Source Object (SOURCE_OBJECT) in Redlining Structure (TC_RL_STRUCTURE)

  • Corrected positioning of Source Object (SOURCE_OBJECT) in Redlining Terminator (TC_RL_TERMINATOR)


  • The links to the online help got updated in the following dialogs

    • Redlining attribute (TC_RL_ATTRIBUTE)

    • Redlining cable (TC_RL_CABLE)

    • Redlining closure (TC_RL_CLOSURE)

    • Redlining connection (TC_RL_CONNECTION)

    • Redlining duct (TC_RL_DUCT)

    • Redlining fitting (TC_RL_FITTING)

    • Redlining measurement (TC_RL_MEASUREMENT)

    • Redlining measurement line (TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_LINE)

    • Redlining measurement point (TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_POINT)

    • Redlining segment (TC_RL_SEGMENT)

    • Redlining service item (TC_RL_SERVICE_ITEM)

    • Redlining structure (TC_RL_STRUCTURE)

    • Redlining terminator (TC_RL_TERMINATOR)

  • A new reference to the Redlining service item ($REF_TC_RL_SERVICE_ITEM) has been added to the following dialogs:

    • Redlining closure (TC_RL_CLOSURE)

    • Redlining fitting (TC_RL_FITTING)

    • Redlining segment (TC_RL_SEGMENT)

    • Redlining structure (TC_RL_STRUCTURE)

    • Redlining terminator (TC_RL_TERMINATOR)

  • The reference to the Redlining fitting ($REF_TC_RL_FITTING) has been removed from the dialog Redlining duct (TC_RL_DUCT)

  • The reference to the Redlining fitting ($REF_TC_RL_FITTING) has been removed from the dialog Redlining segment (TC_RL_SEGMENT)

  • The reference to the parent object (FID_PARENT) has been removed from the dialog for the Redlining fitting (TC_RL_FITTING)


  • A new control (FID_SCAN) with a reference to the Redlining Scan table got added to the following dialogs:



    • TC_RL_DUCT







  • A set of new controls got added to the Redlining Measurement (TC_RL_MEASUREMENT) containing the number of individual features that got added during the last pull from NET Build.

  • New selection for the survey plan type stored in TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_L_MODEL

  • New selection for the survey plan type stored in TC_RL_MEASUREMENT_P_MODEL

  • New text box for the NAME added to TC_RL_SEGMENT

  • Completely new dialog for TC_RL_SCAN

GIS-Nebenbestimmungen Data Model


  • Dialog for Building (TC_TG_BUILDING):

    • Changed control for "Technology within one year" from text field to dropdown. Database field changed from BMVI_TECH_1_YEAR to BMVI_TECH_1_YEAR_INT.

    • Changed control for "Technology within three years" from text field to dropdown. Database field changed from BMVI_TECH_3_YEAR to BMVI_TECH_3_YEAR_INT.

    • Changed control for "Technology Is Supply" from text field to dropdown. Database field changed from BMVI_TECH_IS to BMVI_IS_TECH.

    • Added new dropdown "Expansion Plan" (BMVI_PLAN_AUSB)


  • The number of decimal places for the display has been set to 2.

    • Expansion area (TC_BMVI_EXPANSION_AREA) - Area (AREA)

    • Foreign area (TC_BMVI_FOREIGN_AREA) - Area (AREA)

    • Market survey (TC_BMVI_MARKET_SURVEY) - Area (AREA)

    • Political area (TC_BMVI_POLITICAL_AREA) - Area (AREA)

    • Supply area (TC_BMVI_SUPPLY_AREA) - Area (AREA)

    • White spot (TC_BMVI_WHITE_SPOT) - Area (AREA)

    • Building (TC_TG_BUILDING) - Loss (BMVI_LOSS)


  • Update of the spatial queries for the living and business units, as well as schools, public institutions and hospitals in TC_BMVI_WHITE_SPOTS and TC_BMVI_EXPANSION_AREA. Building that are only partially inside of the cluster, will now be counted as well.

Changes of the reports since NET 13.0

NET Engineering

Base Data Model


  • Support function to identify the location of images was updated in all reports.


  • The base filter of the reports were changed, to prevent an error showing up in case there are no rows selected in the corresponding dialog.

    • NET network overview service (NET Network Overview Service)

    • NET network overview service (just points) (NET Network Overview of Service(just Points))

    • NET point table (NET Point Table)

    • NET reports (NET Reports)

    • NET segment cost (NET Segment Cost)

    • NET work order (NET Work Order)

  • Replaced automatic line break with with manual line break in the report NET work order (NET Work Order).


  • The base filter for the reports got changed for Oracle databases, to allow the reports being created once again without an error. The following reports got changed.

    • NET network overview service (NET Network Overview Service)

    • NET network overview service (just points) (NET Network Overview of Service(just Points))

    • NET point table (NET Point Table)

    • NET reports (NET Reports)

    • NET segment cost (NET Segment Cost)

    • NET work order (NET Work Order)

Duct Data Model


  • The vertical text alignment has been fixed in the columns for the start and end node in the “duct tap connections” report.

  • Support function to identify the location of images was updated in all reports.


  • The base filter of the reports were changed, to prevent an error showing up in case there are no rows selected in the corresponding dialog.

    • NET duct end overview (Duct End Overview)

  • NET duct tap label (NET Duct Tap Label) - color 2 of the duct on the right side fixed


  • The base filter for the reports got changed for Oracle databases, to allow the reports being created once again without an error. The following reports got changed.

    • NET duct end overview (Duct End Overview)

Fiber Optic Data Model


  • Support function to identify the location of images was updated in all reports.


  • The base filter of the reports were changed, to prevent an error showing up in case there are no rows selected in the corresponding dialog.

    • NET cable cost (NET Cable Cost)

    • NET FO cable section brief overview (NET FO Cable Section Brief Overview)

    • NET FO cable section service customer (NET FO Cable Section Service Customer)

    • NET FO cable section without trunk (NET FO Cable Section Without Trunk)

    • NET FO cable section (NET FO Cable Section)

    • NET FO cable trunk duct route (NET FO Cable Trunk Duct Route)

    • NET FO closure trays (NET FO Closure Trays)

    • NET FO connector used at switching point (NET FO Connector Used at Switching Point)

    • NET FO connector used at terminator (NET FO Connector Used at Terminator)

    • NET FO connector used with service at switching point (NET FO Connector Used with Service at Switching Point)

    • NET FO connector used with service at terminator (NET FO Connector Used with Service at Terminator)

    • NET FO connector at switching point (NET FO Connector at Switching Point)

    • NET FO connector at terminator (NET FO Connector at Terminator)

    • NET FO patch overview from connectors (NET FO Patch Overview from Connectors)

    • NET FO patches in switching point (NET FO Patches in Switching Point)

    • NET FO patches in terminator (NET FO Patches in Terminator)

    • NET FO terminator overview (NET FO Terminator Overview)


  • The base filter for the reports got changed for Oracle databases, to allow the reports being created once again without an error. The following reports got changed.

    • NET cable cost (NET Cable Cost)

    • NET FO cable section brief overview (NET FO Cable Section Brief Overview)

    • NET FO cable section service customer (NET FO Cable Section Service Customer)

    • NET FO cable section without trunk (NET FO Cable Section Without Trunk)

    • NET FO cable section (NET FO Cable Section)

    • NET FO cable trunk duct route (NET FO Cable Trunk Duct Route)

    • NET FO closure trays (NET FO Closure Trays)

    • NET FO connector used at switching point (NET FO Connector Used at Switching Point)

    • NET FO connector used at terminator (NET FO Connector Used at Terminator)

    • NET FO connector used with service at switching point (NET FO Connector Used with Service at Switching Point)

    • NET FO connector used with service at terminator (NET FO Connector Used with Service at Terminator)

    • NET FO connector at switching point (NET FO Connector at Switching Point)

    • NET FO connector at terminator (NET FO Connector at Terminator)

    • NET FO patch overview from connectors (NET FO Patch Overview from Connectors)

    • NET FO patches in switching point (NET FO Patches in Switching Point)

    • NET FO patches in terminator (NET FO Patches in Terminator)

    • NET FO terminator overview (NET FO Terminator Overview)

Telephony Data Model


  • Support function to identify the location of images was updated in all reports.


  • The base filter of the reports were changed, to prevent an error showing up in case there are no rows selected in the corresponding dialog.

    • NET Telephony cable section brief overview (NET TP Cable Section Brief Overview)

    • NET Telephony cable section service customer (NET TP Cable Section Service Customer)

    • NET Telephony cable section without trunk (NET TP Cable Section without Trunk)

    • NET Telephony cable section (NET TP Cable Section)

    • NET Telephony cable trunk duct route (NET TP Cable Trunk Duct Route)

    • NET Telephony network overview template (NET TP Network Overview Template)

    • NET Telephony patches in switching point (NET TP Patches in Switching point)

    • NET Telephony patches in terminator (NET TP Patches in Terminator)

    • NET Telephony pins in switching point (NET TP Pins in Switching point)

    • NET Telephony pins in terminator (NET TP Pins in Terminator)

    • NET Telephony splice overview closure (NET TP Splice Overview Closure)

    • NET Telephony splice overview terminator (NET TP Splice Overview Terminator)


  • The base filter for the reports got changed for Oracle databases, to allow the reports being created once again without an error. The following reports got changed.

    • NET Telephony cable section brief overview (NET TP Cable Section Brief Overview)

    • NET Telephony cable section service customer (NET TP Cable Section Service Customer)

    • NET Telephony cable section without trunk (NET TP Cable Section without Trunk)

    • NET Telephony cable section (NET TP Cable Section)

    • NET Telephony cable trunk duct route (NET TP Cable Trunk Duct Route)

    • NET Telephony network overview template (NET TP Network Overview Template)

    • NET Telephony patches in switching point (NET TP Patches in Switching point)

    • NET Telephony patches in terminator (NET TP Patches in Terminator)

    • NET Telephony pins in switching point (NET TP Pins in Switching point)

    • NET Telephony pins in terminator (NET TP Pins in Terminator)

    • NET Telephony splice overview closure (NET TP Splice Overview Closure)

    • NET Telephony splice overview terminator (NET TP Splice Overview Terminator)