Report: placeholder

Various placeholders are available in DocPack to access different attributes.
When entering the individual placeholders, possible placeholders are displayed via input completion.
The following placeholder functions are available in DocPack:



{USER} active user
{OS_USER} active user (operating sytem)
{NR} consecutive number
{MAX} number of output files
{DATE} formattable date (e.g. DATE:dd/MM/yyyy)


In addition, attributes of the data source can be used.

Report (Memory table)

{USER} active user
{OS_USER} active user (operating sytem)
{NR} consecutive number
{MAX} number of output files
{DATE} formattable date (e.g. DATE:dd/MM/yyyy)


Example of "NET Engineering duct connections" report

The following attributes can be used from the data source "Duct Point" (TC_SP_DUCT_TAP).

{#FID} FID of the duct tap
{#DATE_CREATED} date on which the duct tap was created
{#DATE_MODIFIED} date on which the duct tap was changed
{#USER_CREATED} user, who created the duct tap
{#USER_MODIFIED} user, who changed the duct tap
{#FID_MODEL} type of the duct tap


The following attributes can be used from the data source "Point" (TC_POINT).

{$FID} FID of the point
{$ORIENTATION} rotation of the point
{$Z} Z-value of the point
{$QUALITY} quality of the point
{$DATE_CREATED} date on which the point was created
{$DATE_CREATION} date on which the duct tap was built
{$DATE_MODIFIED} date on which the point was changed
{$DATE_SHUTDOWN} date on which the duct tap was shut down
{$F_CLASS_ID_ATTR} Attribut featureclass
{$FID_ATTR} FID of the attribut featureclass (duct tap)
{$FID_BUILDING} building to which the duct tap is assigned
{$FID_CLIENT} client to which the duct tap is assigned
{$FID_PARENT} superordinate point
{$FID_PERSON} person who built the duct tap
{$FID_PROTOTYPE} point that served as a template (prototype) for this point
{$FID_STATUS} status of the duct tap
{$INFO} info box of the duct tap
{$NAME} name of the point
{$USER_CREATED} user who created the point
{$USER_MODIFIED} user who changed the point
{$DATE_WARRANTY} date of warranty
{$ID_OPERATING_STATE} operating state
{$FID_TNIM_SOURCE} TNIM source data store
{$TNIM_SOURCE_KEY} TNIM source key


Duct end overview

{USER} active user
{OS_USER} active user (operating sytem)
{NR} consecutive number
{MAX} number of output files
{DATE} formattable date (e.g. DATE:dd/MM/yyyy)


The following attributes can be used from the data source "cabinet" (TC_SP_CABINET).

{#FID} FID of the cabinet
{#DATE_CREATED} date on which the cabinet was created
{#DATE_MODIFIED} date on which the cabinet was changed
{#FID_MODEL} type of the cabinet
{#ID_POSITION_ACCURACY} precision of the cabinet
{#USER_CREATED} user who created the cabinet
{#USER_MODIFIED} user who changed the cabinet


The following attributes can be used from the data source "Point" (TC_POINT).

{$FID} FID of the point
{$ORIENTATION} rotation of the point
{$Z} Z-value of the point
{$QUALITY} quality of the point
{$DATE_CREATED} date on which the point was created
{$DATE_CREATION} date on which the cabinet was built
{$DATE_MODIFIED} date on which the point was changed
{$DATE_SHUTDOWN} date on which the cabinet was shut down
{$F_CLASS_ID_ATTR} Attribut featureclass
{$FID_ATTR} FID of the attribut featureclass (cabinet)
{$FID_BUILDING} building to which the cabinet is assigned
{$FID_CLIENT} client to which the cabinet is assigned
{$FID_PARENT} superordinate point
{$FID_PERSON} person who built the cabinet
{$FID_PROTOTYPE} point that served as a template (prototype) for this point
{$FID_STATUS} status of the cabinet
{$INFO} info box of the cabinet
{$NAME} name of the point
{$USER_CREATED} user who created the point
{$USER_MODIFIED} user who changed the point
{$DATE_WARRANTY} date of warranty
{$ID_OPERATING_STATE} operating state
{$FID_TNIM_SOURCE} TNIM source data store
{$TNIM_SOURCE_KEY} TNIM source key