Various placeholders are available in DocPack to access different attributes.
When entering the individual placeholders, possible placeholders are displayed via input completion.
The following placeholder functions are available in DocPack:
FO splice plan, FO splice plan grouped
{USER} | active user |
{OS_USER} | active user (operating sytem) |
{NR} | consecutive number |
{MAX} | number of output files |
{DATE} | formattable date (e.g. DATE:dd/MM/yyyy) |
The following attributes can be used from the data source "FO closure" (TC_FO_CLOSURE).
{#FID} | FID of the closure |
{#DATE_CREATED} | date on which the closure was created |
{#DATE_MODIFIED} | date on which the closure was changed |
{#FID_MODEL} | type of the closure |
{#FID_STRUCTURE_POINT} | structural point to which the closure is assigned (manhole/cabinet/pole) |
{#FID_SWITCHING_POINT} | switching point to which the closure is assigned |
{#FID_TRUNK} | cable trunk of the closure |
{#ID_CLOSURE_TYPE} | category of the closure |
{#ID_INSTALLATION_LOCATION} | installation location of the closure |
{#USER_CREATED} | user who created the closure |
{#USER_MODIFIED} | user who changed the closure |
The following attributes can be used from the data source "Point" (TC_POINT).
{$FID} | FID of the point |
{$ORIENTATION} | rotation of the point |
{$Z} | Z-value of the point |
{$QUALITY} | quality of the point |
{$DATE_CREATED} | date on which the point was created |
{$DATE_CREATION} | date on which the closure was built |
{$DATE_MODIFIED} | date on which the point was changed |
{$DATE_SHUTDOWN} | date on which the closure was shut down |
{$F_CLASS_ID_ATTR} | Attribut featureclass |
{$FID_ATTR} | FID of the attribut featureclass (closure) |
{$FID_BUILDING} | building to which the closure is assigned |
{$FID_CLIENT} | client to which the closure is assigned |
{$FID_PARENT} | superordinate point |
{$FID_PERSON} | person who built the closure |
{$FID_PROTOTYPE} | point that served as a template (prototype) for this point |
{$FID_STATUS} | status of the closure |
{$INFO} | info box of the closure |
{$NAME} | name of the point |
{$USER_CREATED} | user who created the point |
{$USER_MODIFIED} | user who changed the point |
{$DATE_WARRANTY} | date of warranty |
{$ID_OPERATING_STATE} | operating state |
{$FID_TNIM_SOURCE} | TNIM source data store |
{$TNIM_SOURCE_KEY} | TNIM source key |
Cable splice plan
{USER} | active user |
{OS_USER} | active user (operating sytem) |
{NR} | consecutive number |
{MAX} | number of output files |
{DATE} | formattable date (e.g. DATE:dd/MM/yyyy) |
The following attributes can be used from the data source "cable trunk" (TC_FO_TRUNK).
{$FID} | FID of the cable trunk |
{$COLOR} | color of the cable trunk |
{$DATE_CREATED} | date on which the cable trunk was created |
{$DATE_MODIFIED} | date on which the cable trunk was changed |
{$INFO} | info box of the cable trunk |
{$INFO_FILE} | length overview plan (file or directory) |
{$NAME} | name of the cable trunk |
{$USER_CREATED} | user, who created the cable trunk |
{$USER_MODIFIED} | user, who changed the cable trunk |
{$FID_TNIM_SOURCE} | TNIM source data store |
{$TNIM_SOURCE_KEY} | TNIM source key |
Duct end plan
{USER} | active user |
{OS_USER} | active user (operating sytem) |
{NR} | consecutive number |
{MAX} | number of output files |
{DATE} | formattable date (e.g. DATE:dd/MM/yyyy) |
The following attributes can be used from the data source "duct" (TC_SP_DUCT).
{#FID} | FID of the line |
{#COLOR} | first color of the duct |
{#COLOR2} | second color of the duct |
{#DATE_CREATED} | date on which the duct was created |
{#DATE_MODIFIED} | date on which the duct was changed |
{#FID_BUNDLE} | duct trunk |
{#FID_TEMPLATE} | duct template |
{#FID_TYPE} | duct type |
{#ID_DUCT_TYPE} | categorie of the duct |
{#USER_CREATED} | user who created the duct |
{#USER_MODIFIED} | user who changed the duct |
The following attributes can be used from the data source "line" (TC_LINE).
{$FID} | FID of the line |
{$LENGTH} | length of the line |
{$DATE_CREATED} | date on which the line was created |
{$DATE_CREATION} | date on which the duct was built |
{$DATE_MODIFIED} | date on which the line was changed |
{$DATE_SHUTDOWN} | date on which the duct was shut down |
{$F_CLASS_ID_ATTR} | Attribut featureclass |
{$FID_ATTR} | FID of the attribut featureclass (duct) |
{$FID_BUILDING} | building to which the duct is assigned |
{$FID_CLIENT} | client to which the duct is assigned |
{$FID_PARENT} | superordinate point (attribut feature) |
{$FID_PARENT_POINT} | superordinate point (point) |
{$FID_PERSON} | person who built the duct |
{$FID_PROTOTYPE} | line that served as a template (prototype) for this line |
{$FID_STATUS} | status of the duct |
{$INFO} | info box of the duct |
{$NAME} | name of the line |
{$USER_CREATED} | user who created the line |
{$USER_LENGTH} | user length |
{$USER_MODIFIED} | user who changed the line |
{$UTILITY_INFO} | utility |
{$DATE_WARRANTY} | date of warranty |
{$ID_OPERATING_STATE} | operating state |
{$FID_TNIM_SOURCE} | TNIM source data store |
{$TNIM_SOURCE_KEY} | TNIM source key |
cable jointing diagram
{USER} | active user |
{OS_USER} | active user (operating sytem) |
{NR} | consecutive number |
{MAX} | number of output files |
{DATE} | formattable date (e.g. DATE:dd/MM/yyyy) |
The following attributes can be used from the data source "FO closure" (TC_FO_CLOSURE).
{#FID} | FID of the closure |
{#DATE_CREATED} | date on which the closure was created |
{#DATE_MODIFIED} | date on which the closure was changed |
{#FID_MODEL} | type of the closure |
{#FID_STRUCTURE_POINT} | structural point to which the closure is assigned (manhole/cabinet/pole) |
{#FID_SWITCHING_POINT} | switching point to which the closure is assigned |
{#FID_TRUNK} | cable trunk of the closure |
{#ID_CLOSURE_TYPE} | category of the closure |
{#ID_INSTALLATION_LOCATION} | installation location of the closure |
{#USER_CREATED} | user who created the closure |
{#USER_MODIFIED} | user who changed the closure |
The following attributes can be used from the data source "Point" (TC_POINT).
{$FID} | FID of the point |
{$ORIENTATION} | rotation of the point |
{$Z} | Z-value of the point |
{$QUALITY} | quality of the point |
{$DATE_CREATED} | date on which the closure was created |
{$DATE_CREATION} | date on which the closure was built |
{$DATE_MODIFIED} | date on which the point was changed |
{$DATE_SHUTDOWN} | date on which the closure was shut down |
{$F_CLASS_ID_ATTR} | Attribut featureclass |
{$FID_ATTR} | FID of the attribut featureclass (closure) |
{$FID_BUILDING} | building to which the closure is assigned |
{$FID_CLIENT} | client to which the closure is assigned |
{$FID_PARENT} | superordinate point |
{$FID_PERSON} | person who built the closure |
{$FID_PROTOTYPE} | point that served as a template (prototype) for this point |
{$FID_STATUS} | status of the closure |
{$INFO} | info box of the closure |
{$NAME} | name of the point |
{$USER_CREATED} | user who created the point |
{$USER_MODIFIED} | user who changed the point |
{$DATE_WARRANTY} | date of warranty |
{$ID_OPERATING_STATE} | operating state |
{$FID_TNIM_SOURCE} | TNIM source data store |
{$TNIM_SOURCE_KEY} | TNIM source key |
Rack diagram
{USER} | active user |
{OS_USER} | active user (operating sytem) |
{NR} | consecutive number |
{MAX} | number of output files |
{DATE} | formattable date (e.g. DATE:dd/MM/yyyy) |
The following attributes can be used from the data source "cabinet" (TC_SP_CABINET).
{#FID} | FID of the cabinet |
{#DATE_CREATED} | date on which the cabinet was created |
{#DATE_MODIFIED} | date on which the cabinet was changed |
{#FID_MODEL} | type of the cabinet |
{#ID_POSITION_ACCURACY} | precision of the cabinet |
{#USER_CREATED} | user who created the cabinet |
{#USER_MODIFIED} | user who changed the cabinet |
The following attributes can be used from the data source "Point" (TC_POINT).
{$FID} | FID of the point |
{$ORIENTATION} | rotation of the point |
{$Z} | Z-value of the point |
{$QUALITY} | quality of the point |
{$DATE_CREATED} | date on which the point was created |
{$DATE_CREATION} | date on which the cabinet was built |
{$DATE_MODIFIED} | date on which the point was changed |
{$DATE_SHUTDOWN} | date on which the cabinet was shut down |
{$F_CLASS_ID_ATTR} | Attribut featureclass |
{$FID_ATTR} | FID of the attribut featureclass (cabinet) |
{$FID_BUILDING} | building to which the cabinet is assigned |
{$FID_CLIENT} | client to which the cabinet is assigned |
{$FID_PARENT} | superordinate point |
{$FID_PERSON} | person who built the cabinet |
{$FID_PROTOTYPE} | point that served as a template (prototype) for this point |
{$FID_STATUS} | status of the cabinet |
{$INFO} | info box of the cabinet |
{$NAME} | name of the point |
{$USER_CREATED} | user who created the point |
{$USER_MODIFIED} | user who changed the point |
{$DATE_WARRANTY} | date of warranty |
{$ID_OPERATING_STATE} | operating state |
{$FID_TNIM_SOURCE} | TNIM source data store |
{$TNIM_SOURCE_KEY} | TNIM source key |
connection plan
{USER} | active user |
{OS_USER} | active user (operating sytem) |
{NR} | consecutive number |
{MAX} | number of output files |
{DATE} | formattable date (e.g. DATE:dd/MM/yyyy) |
The following attributes can be used from the data source "Fiber" (TC_FO_FIBER).
{#FID} | FID of the fiber |
{#BUNDLE_NR} | number of the bundle in which the fiber is located |
{#COLOR} | color of the fiber |
{#DATE_CREATED} | date on which the fiber was created |
{#DATE_MODIFIED} | date on which the fiber was changed |
{#FID_LINE} | line to the cable section in which the fiber is located |
{#FID_MODEL} | type of the fiber |
{#FID_SERVICE} | service |
{#NR} | number of the fiber within the cable section |
{#NR_IN_BUNDLE} | number of the fiber in the bundle |
{#USER_CREATED} | user who created the fiber |
{#USER_MODIFIED} | user who changed the fiber |
The following attributes can be used from the data source "line" (TC_LINE).
{$FID} | FID of the line |
{$LENGTH} | length of the line |
{$DATE_CREATED} | date on which the line was created |
{$DATE_CREATION} | date on which the fiber was built |
{$DATE_MODIFIED} | date on which the line was changed |
{$DATE_SHUTDOWN} | date on which the fiber was shut down |
{$F_CLASS_ID_ATTR} | Attribut featureclass |
{$FID_ATTR} | FID of the attribut featureclass (fiber) |
{$FID_BUILDING} | building to which the fiber is assigned |
{$FID_CLIENT} | client to which the fiber is assigned |
{$FID_PARENT} | superordinate point (attribut feature) |
{$FID_PARENT_POINT} | superordinate point (point) |
{$FID_PERSON} | person who built the fiber |
{$FID_PROTOTYPE} | line that served as a template (prototype) for this line |
{$FID_STATUS} | status of the fiber |
{$INFO} | info box of the fiber |
{$NAME} | name of the line |
{$USER_CREATED} | user who created the line |
{$USER_LENGTH} | user length |
{$USER_MODIFIED} | user who changed the line |
{$UTILITY_INFO} | utility |
{$DATE_WARRANTY} | date of warranty |
{$ID_OPERATING_STATE} | operating state |
{$FID_TNIM_SOURCE} | TNIM source data store |
{$TNIM_SOURCE_KEY} | TNIM source key |