The NET 14.1 release brings several improvements and new functions. The most important change concerns the secondary view window in DocPack, which now supports a second view window of the layout file for plot sequences and plots. This additional window serves as an overview window to better locate the displayed map section in the network.
Another significant change is the adjustment when exporting to NET Build. It is now possible to use duct colors instead of duct position numbers for the fittings. This change affects the tables “ Ductbranch connections” in the duct points and “Leadin connection”. This adjustment makes it easier to work in the field, as colors are easier to recognize than position numbers.
Other changes include:
General Improvements: The ribbon menu for Cyclomedia is now loaded and displayed only once. Additionally, a new tab has been added to the NET options, allowing the configuration of node names in tree views.
DocPack Extensions: In addition to the secondary viewport, there is now the option to automatically hide areas outside the plotted area. An active status for plot sequences has been introduced to hide inactive plot sequences.
NET Design and Engineering: A new object class "Surface" has been added, and the uniqueness check for form attributes has been improved.
Bug Fixes: Various errors in the Cyclomedia integration and the connection editor have been fixed to increase stability and user-friendliness.
Supported Software
Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D
Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2023.0.4 - Autodesk AutoCAD 2023.1.6
Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2024.0.1 - Autodesk AutoCAD 2024.1.6
Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2025.0.1 - Autodesk AutoCAD 2025.1.1
TKI PostgreSQL Provider 4.2.1
Comsof Fiber Designer 2019.2.2 - Comsof Fiber Designer 22.2
Comsof Fiber 23.1 - Comsof Fiber 23.2
atesio STRATEGIC 2020 - 2023
TKI Lizenzierung 14.0
(Only required for a manual installation on the network license server)
The specified versions for Autodesk AutoCAD and Map 3D are the ones for which NET was developed. Generally, newer versions can also be used. However, there have been occasional updates in the past that caused crashes in NET.
Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2025: Currently, we advise against the productive use of the 2025 version of Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D. In our tests, this version of Map 3D has proven to be unstable. Additionally, the compatible PGP version is still under development.
Note on the AutoCAD Map 3D versions
Please note the minimum required versions of Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D for the operation of NET 14.1. The version for Autodesk Map 3D 2025 has been updated since NET 14.0. The patched version is required for NET to work correctly.
Please check your installed AutoCAD Map 3D version and pay attention to these two version details when doing so:
Release NET 14.1 in Detail
The Cyclomedia ribbon tab is only loaded once, regardless of the number of NET documents opened.
Documentation Pack
A second viewport of the layout file can now be used for plot sequences and plots. This serves as an overview to help locate the map section shown.
For plot sequences and polygon plots, the DocPack now offers the option to automatically hide areas outside the relevant area. In the DocPack output, this area can also be selected manually using the polygon filter.
An active status has been introduced for plot sequences, which allows inactive plot sequences to be hidden in the workflow and in the DocPack output.
The DocPack configuration has standardized the way tokens in filename, subfolder and attribute substitutions are interpreted. The on-the-fly validations now indicate incorrect input more clearly.
NET Design
A new object class “Surface area” has been added to NET Design and surface area data can now be imported to this class.
atesio Integration
If a user creates transitions without possible trenches, a message is displayed informing the user of the problem and how to resolve it.
Comsof Fiber Integration
A bug has been resolved that previously prevented the highlighting of objects on the map for certain warnings displayed after the calculation with the Comsof Fiber Designer.
Low level design
When creating the low level design, it can happen that the elements have already been written to the NET Engineering database and only the automatic labels are still being created. If the Cancel button is pressed at this point, the message now correctly indicates this fact.
NET Engineering
A bug in the Cyclomedia integration has been fixed where the view triangle and location were not synchronized.
When closing and saving a Map3d industry model, a crash occurred if the Cyclomedia integration was active. This bug has been fixed.
The error messages when creating a cable splice plan are now more explicit.
When highlighting in the connection overview window, an error occurred if objects were deleted in the meantime. This error has been fixed.
The display of elements such as segments, ducts etc. in the occupancy overviews on the forms and in the workflows can now be configured individually in the NET options.
Connection editor
If an existing service prevents elements from being split in the connection editor, this is no longer communicated via an error report, but is displayed in the familiar way as a message in the connection editor at the bottom left.
Trays can only be deleted in the connection editor if they do not have any splitters and are not assigned to a rack.
If no actions have been performed in the connection editor, a close button is offered instead of the execute button.
New actions “Delete connectors” and “Delete Pins” have been added to the connection editor.
The number of accesses to the database when working with the connection editor has been reduced, which improves performance.
When working with splitter paths in the connection editor, “All Splitters” is now available to filter the splitter paths.
Clicking on the “Attenuation” button in the TP wire form no longer causes Map 3D to crash.
There are new reference buttons under “Assignments” in the “Segment”, “Duct”, “FO Cable Section” and “TP Cable Section” forms. The “...” button opens the corresponding form for the current data record. The “>” button opens the corresponding form for all data records in the filter.
In the forms “FO Connector Data”, “FO Fiber Data”, “FO Splitter Data”, “FO Patch Data” and “FO Splice Data”, it is now prevented that several data records with the same wavelength can be created per feature or type. There are now a total of 5 new data checks to check whether such data records already exist.
An error that occurred when loading import templates has been fixed.
Shape files with attribute names of 11 characters in length are imported without errors.
A filter function has been added to the selection elements of the general import.
A new condition has been added to the geometry filter of the general import.
The filter selection has been extended so that empty and non-empty attributes can now also be filtered.
A new column has been added to the data preview of the general import, in which the number of the record is displayed.
Import from NET Build
When importing from NET Build, an error occurred if no region was selected. This error has been fixed.
During the import from NET Build, the color information in the “Ductbranch connections” and “Leadin connection” tables, if available, is converted into duct positions based on the color scheme defined in the project.
Export to NET Build
A script for setting the name of design elements in NET Build produced an error if the character length exceeded 255 characters. This error has been fixed.
Instead of duct positions, duct colors are now used in duct fittings to make working with the data in NET Build more efficient and clearer.
When a redlining scan is deleted, all redlining objects linked to the scan via the scan's FID (e.g. redlining segment) are also deleted.
The creation of the NET Engineering trench network from the redlining data has been optimized.
Documentation Pack
The workflow “Create Plot Sequences” has been adjusted. Once executed, it no longer closes itself, but remains open like the other workflows until they are explicitly closed by the user. This makes it easier to run it multiple times in a row.
New reference button in plot form to go to the related plot sequences
The report “Network Overview Fm” is now generated correctly when the option “Summarize all data records” is selected.
The DocPack for plots now also supports the display of a second viewport as an overview plan.
NET Operations
The named projections “List of all fibers of filtered services”, “List of all FO cable sections of filtered servies”, “List of all wires of filtered services” and “List of all TP cable sections of filtered services” in the “Service” form now work correctly again under SQLite.
Changes to the Data Model since NET 14.0
NET Design
Base Data Model
New feature class “Surface areas” (
NET Engineering
Base Data Model
No changes to the data model - Structural update only for new forms and reports
Duct Data Model
No changes to the data model - Structural update only for new forms and reports
Fiber Optic Data Model
Changed the views
New column
Contains the name of the cable trunk that is assigned in the closure or the terminator.
Telephony Data Model
Changed the views
New column
Contains the name of the cable trunk that is assigned in the closure or the terminator.
Redlining Data Model
Only for PostgreSQL
New trigger function
that is cleaning up the database in case a scan is removed from the redlining data model. -
New trigger
for the tabletc_rl_scan
New domain table “Plot sequence status” (
) containing the following values:-
1 - Active
2 - Inactive
3 - Archived
New column “Status” (
) in the feature class “Plot sequence” (TC_PLOT_SEQUENCE
) with a relation to the domain table “Plot sequence status” (TC_PLOT_SEQUENCE_STATUS_TBD
Changes to the dialogs since NET 14.0
NET Design
Base Data Model
New dialog for the feature class “Surface area” (
Base Data Model
New API controls
got added to the feature class “Segment” (TC_SP_SEGMENT
Duct Data Model
New API controls
got added to the feature class “Duct” (TC_SP_DUCT
Fiber Optic Data Model
New API controls
got added to the feature class “Fo cable” (TC_FO_CABLE
) -
Decimal places for the column “Attenuation” got increased from two to three for the following feature classes.
Fo connector data (
) -
Fo fiber data (
) -
Fo patch data (
) -
Fo splice data (
) -
Fo splitter data (
The format of the attenuation in the field “wave length/attenuation” got fixed in the following feature classes.
Fo connector model (
) -
Fo fiber model (
) -
Fo splitter model (
The projections to the fiber and the fiber optic cable originating from the service (
) got fixed. The change only affects SQLite and results in the target dialogs showing the correct number of features.
Telephony Data Model
New API controls
got added to the feature class “Tp cable” (TC_TP_CABLE
) -
The projections to the wire and the telephony cable originating from the service (
) got fixed. The change only affects SQLite and results in the target dialogs showing the correct number of features.
New control “Status” for the column
added to the dialog for the feature class “plot sequence” (TC_PLOT_SEQUENCE
Changes of the reports since NET 14.0
NET Engineering
Telephony Data Model
The reports for the network overviews got fixed to allow the creation of an aggregated report, created by the DocPack.