Documenting buildings

Buildings serve as installation locations for all objects to be documented in the project. However, as topographic objects, they can also form the image of the map background.

Buildings can be documented as points, polylines, or polygons. They can then be stylized in a variety of ways in the display model and represented in the graphic.


However, buildings can also be constructed without geometry If, for example, they are intended only to provide points and edges with an installation location.

Buildings are managed in a separate form. The key information about the building, such as the address, number of residential/commercial units, contact person and assigned components, can be seen at a glance.


Assigning attributes

First, a city should be assigned to the building via the “city filter”. Only cities with at least one street assigned to them will be displayed in the drop-down list. A street, house number, number of residential/commercial units and a Postcode can then be assigned to the building.

The name is generated (with the AutoNaming rule activated) from the street name and the house number. The abbreviation is automatically formed from the street abbreviation and the house number.

The building can also be assigned a previously self-defined category.

An owner and/or administrator can be selected from the list of persons. Information about the key or general information can be stored in the corresponding text fields.

All values that are to be available in the drop-down lists can be generated by double-clicking on the associated feature class in the list field.

You can find more information on the attributes in the building form.


Buildings can be imported from plans (already as the respective object), or you can digitize them yourself or include them from imported point or line geometries (e.g., from the survey).

Buildings can also be transferred to the project via an Excel import if, for example, address lists with the corresponding point coordinates are available.

If a correct assignment to street and Postcode is to be made, the corresponding FID must be linked.


Connected shape files can also be used as templates and the building data can be imported by means of a mass copy.


The attributes of buildings can be changed at will. The geometry can also be changed by checking it out and moving it to a different position. Pay attention to the set and activated object snap. The objects should then be checked in again.

As soon as a duct insertion is assigned to a building via a planning or the workflow, the connection state changes to “Yes” and the number of ducts leading to the building and provided with a duct insertion is displayed.


Buildings can be deleted in the tabs or using the form.

Tab: Home or NET


in the form
