In the entire FO/TP network, services are used for the wiring of fibers/wires, connectors/pins and patches. The services created are assigned to network paths in the further processing.
The form for the service is opened by right-clicking via Industry Model Explorer > Administration > Service. The form consists of the General, Channels, Invoicing and SLA tabs.
Attribute | Description |
Name | This is where the name of the service is entered. The names of services must be unique. (1) |
Customers | The customer assigned to the service is displayed. Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing persons. Click on to select the customer from the database. (2) |
Evaluation | The evaluation of the service is displayed. Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing evaluations. (3) |
Type | Drop-down list for the service type. Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing the various service types. (4) |
Length | The length of the lines connected to the service is displayed. (5) |
Classification | The service can be classified here. Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing classifications. (6) |
Start objects | The number of start objects (start connector/pins or start patches) for this service is displayed. (7) |
Information | Information about the service can be entered. (8) |
End info | The start and end points of the service are entered in this field by clicking on the button described in 15. (9) |
Elements | This opens the detailed forms for fibers/wires, connectors/pins, patches and splices with the filtered data of all records associated with the service. (10) |
Patches | This opens the detailed forms for FO patches or TP patches with the filtered selection of all associated records. (11) |
Points/lines | This opens the forms of points and lines with the filtered selection of all records belonging to the service. (12) |
Network-path overview | This opens the network-path overview table with the step-by-step listing of the network path starting from a start patch, if this is specified. (13) |
Network-path information | This opens the network-path info window with key information on fiber length, attenuation, etc. (14) |
Start/end points | This searches for the start and end points of the network path to which the service is connected and writes them to the End Info info field (as described under 9). (15) |
Measurements | The button opens the form for the assigned FO measurements or TP measurements. (16) |
New connections / reconnections | The number of work orders containing new connections and reconnections with this service is displayed. (17) |
Disconnections | The number of work orders containing disconnections from this service is displayed. (18) |
Documents | This displays whether documents have been attached to the form. (19) |
Depending on the service type selected, the assigned channels are displayed. Services can also be assigned to a subordinate channel.
A. The fields in the left pane of the form are taken from the General tab or can be edited.
B. If the service is highlighted in the window, you can right-click on it to add subordinate services and display higher-layer services.
The “Add subordinate service” selection opens the following dialog:
1. The higher-layer service is displayed.
2. A service can be selected.
3. The service type is displayed.
4. The channel can be selected.
The services are billed in the billing tab.
The fields in the left pane of the form are taken from the General tab or can be edited. (A) | |
Attribute | Description |
Contract number | A contract number for the service can be entered. (1) |
Cost rate | The appropriate price model for the calculation is selected in the Cost rate field. New records for the prices are created under Cost rate. (2) |
Quantity/unit | Depending on the billing mode, the network path length to be billed is specified here in the case of billing by meter, or the number in the case of flat-rate billing. The input by the user is only possible if Sum length is set to No. (3) |
Length | If Sum length is set to Yes, the length of the network path is automatically determined from the CAD length and used for the calculation. (4) |
Billing period | Specification of the billing period. (5) |
Billing | The button starts an individual billing for the current service in the filter. (6) The button starts a billing for all services in the filter. (7) The button starts a billing for all services in the database. (8) The button produces a list of the previous billings. (9) |
You can find out more about the results from items 5 to 9 in Service billing.
The availability conditions and breakdown periods are documented in the SLA tab.
The fields in the left pane of the form are taken from the General tab or can be edited. (A) | |
Attribute | Description |
Availability | This is where the agreed SLA availability is entered. (1) |
Period | Here, the period for the SLA evaluation is specified. The current period is entered automatically. (2) |
Maximum permissible breakdown duration | The maximum permissible breakdown duration depending on the assured SLA availability is specified here. (3) |
Breakdown duration | The current breakdown duration is displayed here. (4) The button lists the current breakdowns. (5) The button lists the past breakdowns. (6) The remaining permissible breakdown duration depending on the assured SLA availability is specified here. (7) The traffic light indicates the availability status. (8) |
Menu items
The network path can be drawn into and removed from the graphic via the “Network exploration” menu:
1. The network paths for all services, all services in the filter or the currently selected service can be drawn.
2. It is possible to define the color and line width with which the network path is to be drawn.
It is possible to select which geometry should form the basis for the network path.
3. A colored (e.g. green) polyline is drawn according to the selected options. If the illustration is redrawn, this line does not appear again.
A colored (e.g. green) polyline is drawn according to the selected options. If the illustration is redrawn, this line does not appear again.
The polyline of the network path is deleted from the illustration with “Remove drawn network path”.
An FO network path or TP network path can be set up and patches removed, and the FO network path or TP network path can be canceled via the “Edit” menu:
You can use the “Overviews/reports” menu to open queries and overviews that are displayed using the buttons on the General tab: all elements (see 10), patches (see 11) and points and lines (see 12) for the selected service in the form. Furthermore, the network-path overview (see 13) and network-path info (see 14) can be displayed, the ends info can be inserted in the appropriate field (see 15) and assigned measurements can be opened in the form (see 16). The FO connection plan or TP connection plan can also be opened.
Service channel
Depending on the type of service, several channels can be assigned to the services.
The Service-channel form can be accessed in Industry Model Explorer > Administration > Service > Service channel.
Attribute | Description |
FID | The FID of the record is displayed. |
Higher-layer service | The higher-layer service is displayed. Double-clicking takes you to the detailed form for the services. |
Subordinate service | The subordinate service is displayed. Double-clicking takes you to the detailed form for the services. |
Channel number | The number of the channel is displayed. |
Service billing
Defined cost rates are used for billing for the services.
The Service-billing form can be accessed in Industry Model Explorer > Administration > Service > Service billing.
Attribute | Description |
FID | The FID for the service billing is displayed. |
Invoice date | The invoice date is displayed. |
Invoice run date | Specification of the date on which the invoice run begins. |
Invoice run person | Specification of the person for whom the invoice run begins. |
Cost rate | The cost rate is displayed. Double-clicking in the list box opens the form for the cost rate. |
Quantity/unit | The quantity and unit of the elements to be billed is displayed. |
Net price | Display of the net price per unit. |
Total price (billing period) | Display of the total price for the billing period. |
Total price (calendar year) | Display of the total price for the calendar year. |
Customer | Display of the customer assigned to the service. |
Service | Display of the service for which the billing was created. |
Billing period | Specification of the billing period with start and end dates. |
Service period | Specification of the service period with start and end dates. |
First installation | Indicates whether or not the installation is a first installation. |
Network-path information
The network-path info lists the key data for the network path in terms of attenuation, fiber/wire length as well as the number of splices and connectors/pins. The number of fibers/wires used, the total length of the fiber/wire path, the number of connectors/pins and splices, and the resulting partial and total attenuations are displayed. The attenuation values are calculated in each case for two different wavelengths (1310 nm and 1550 nm) (FO).
The network path info is created via the button in the General tab of the Service form.
If several network paths are connected to a service, all network paths found for the service are listed one after the other, provided that a start patch is determined for each network path.
If no start patch is specified, only the summed data will be displayed. It is not then possible to select by network path.
Cost rate
Defined cost rates are used for invoicing for the services. These can be newly created at any time. Existing models can be easily adapted and modified.
You can get to the Cost-rate form by double-clicking in the Invoicing field in the Service form > Invoicing tab.
Attribute | Description |
Name | Here, a name is assigned for the cost rate. (1) |
Information | Input of descriptive information. (2) |
Billing period | Selection of the billing period. New billing periods are created in the Billing-period form. (3) |
Billing day | This is where the billing day is entered. (4) |
Periods | You can specify whether only full periods are to be calculated. (5) |
Service unit | Selection of the service unit. (6) |
Net price | Entry of net price per unit and billing period. (7) |
First installation | Billing information for first installation. A name and a net price can be entered for the first installation. (8) |
Billing cycle
Open the corresponding form by double-clicking in the Billing-period field of the Cost-rate form. New records can be created and existing ones can be edited here.
1. The ID of the record is displayed.
2. A short name for the billing period can be entered.
3. The name of the billing period can be entered.
4. The creation date can be entered.
5. The name of the person who created the record can be entered.
6. A comment on the billing period can be entered.
7. Only active billing periods can be selected from the drop-down list in the detailed form for cost rates.
8. A priority for the cost rate can be entered.
9. The forms for all cost rates that use the current billing period or the billing periods in the filter are listed.
Service unit
1. The ID of the record is displayed.
2. A short name for the service unit can be entered.
3. The name of the service unit can be entered.
4. The creation date can be entered.
5. The name of the person who created the record can be entered.
6. A comment on the service unit can be entered.
7. Only active service units can be selected from the drop-down list in the detailed form for cost rates.
8. A priority for the service unit can be entered.
9. The forms for all billings that use the current service unit or the service units in the filter are listed.
10. The forms for all cost rates that use the current service unit or the service units in the filter are listed.