Introduction and getting started

To configure your work with Map 3D or your Industry Model, use the Autodesk Infrastructure Administrator. You can use this application to set up projects and to manage your projects and Industry Models.

Basically, a distinction must be made between managing a file-based or database-based industry model.

File-based industry model Database-based industry model
  • SQLite as database
  • Parallel database accesses are not possible
  • DWG files that contain an industry model
  • File-based industry-model templates as .dwt


NET Design projects are always file-based industry models. 

  • Oracle or PostgreSQL database (PG database)
  • Parallel database accesses are possible
  • Separation of data and application






Program start and, if necessary, connection to the database

Start Autodesk Infrastructure Administrator by clicking the following button mceclip1.png.

If necessary, log in to the database.

The Options button opens a dialog for setting the system-user login and for database-type-specific details in the lower pane of the login window.
