Adding a network license server

To set up a network license server, JAVA version 8, update 220 or later, must be installed on the corresponding system. For example, you can use Zulu as open source ( Please make sure that the installation directory is entered in the system variables as JRE_HOME or JAVA_HOME (depending on the installation).

In general, you have to follow four steps to manage your licenses with a network license server:

With TKI Licensing, you install and configure the network license server and activate your permissions/licenses. In the last step, you set up a connection to the network server at the respective client workstations.

You can install TKI Licensing manually on the computer of the license server. You can find the installation file in the installation files section. 

This manual installation is not necessary for the software workstations, because the licensing TKI.Licensing.Application.exe. is included in the installation files provided to you and can be found in the start menu under “TKI” à “TKI Licensing” or in the default path of the installation under C:\Program Files\TKI\Licensing\bin\TKI.Licensing.Application.exe.


Step 1: Install and configure license servers

If your licenses were provided as network licenses (permissions), you have the option of installing and controlling the network license server here. Perform this action on the computer/server where the network license server is to be installed. Click on “Control license server”.


 Select the installation settings depending on your requirements.


 Your options:

“Online server” The server requires a permanent connection to the Internet. 
“Offline server” Offline operation of the license server is possible. 

“Server with security service”


This setting is recommended if only defined users should have access to the license server control. 

If you have selected “with security service”, an admin access is set up by default. Later in the licensing process you will need the following access data:

Username: admin

Password: TkiAdmin123!

You can change the access data after the first login.



Click on the “Install” button to start the installation of the license server.

Use the “Start”, “Stop”, “Restart” and “Uninstall” buttons to control the license server.

Step 2: Add a new network license server to the server computer

After the installation of the license server has been completed, it must be configured and a new network license server must be added to the server computer. 

This feature can also be found in TKI Licensing. To do so, go to the main menu of the application and click “Add new network license server”.


Here, you need to enter the network server URL. Use “localhost” as a network address.

For your information, we explain the following fields: 

“Loan interval” Defines the time during which the licenses will be available without a connection to the license server after the current retrieval. This will hardly matter on the license server unless you use a terminal solution that runs on the license server. The defined loan interval starts anew with each program start.
“Update interval”

After this time interval, the licensing tries to establish a connection to the network license server. If the first attempt fails, the next refresh attempts will occur after a shorter interval. This will hardly matter on the license server unless you use a terminal solution that runs on the license server.


We recommend that you keep the default settings.


You complete the process by clicking on “Add server”.

Step 3: Activate licenses in the network server

After successfully adding the network license server, you can use TKI Licensing to perform the interface operation for the server and set up the licenses.

To do this, click on “License server REST APIs” in the main menu.


 From there, you can select the license server you have added using the selection icon ˅.

After your selection, you can see the information for your license server. The form is extended by clicking on “Feature information”.


You can then activate your permissions/licenses.


For this, you need an activation ID. This can be found in our license portal “FlexNet Operations”. Open the customer portal in a browser:

Once you have registered/logged on, you will be able to list all the stored “permissions”. There, you can view all permissions/licenses with the available quantities.


Apply the activation ID in TKI Licensing.

If necessary, change the number of licenses to be activated according to your permission/order.

Click on the “Activate license online” button to activate the licenses. 

Once the permissions have been successfully activated, the licenses are no longer listed under “Permissions” in FlexNet Operations, but the license server can be seen under “Devices”.

Check the successful addition of licenses 

You can check whether the permissions/licenses have been successfully added by clicking on “Show all licenses” in the main menu of TKI Licensing. 

Please note that TKI Licensing takes up to one minute to sync the activations. 

You have now successfully completed the installation and configuration of the network license server. 

Step 4: Add new network license server (on client workstation) 

After the license server has been successfully installed and configured, you must open TKI Licensing at the client workstations.

In the main menu, select “Add new network license server”.

Please enter the URL of the license server in the appropriate field here. (The URL is the network address of the computer with the license server, e.g., 192.168.x.y)


Please then restart the TKI Licensing tool to make the changes effective. 

Step 5: Testing 

You can also check whether adding the network license server was successful here using the “Show all licenses” function. Please note that TKI Licensing takes up to one minute to synchronize the entries.