General Information about TKI Licensing

After successful installation of your NET or PGP software licenses purchased from TKI, you have to activate your licenses. 

With NET 10, we introduced a new licensing system. Since then, you have two options for mapping your licenses: via an online license server or a network license server.

Online license server or Network license server— Overview of the difference

You can obtain the licenses provided by us in two ways. Either we provide you with an online license server (preferred option) or you install a network license server.

Online or cloud license server (preferred) Network license server (in individual cases)
We provide you with an online license server. This must be entered as a license server on the clients. In order for the clients to be able to obtain licenses, a stable Internet connection is required. Communication with the license server is via and port: 443 (standard https). It may not be possible for the customer to obtain the licenses via an online license server. In this case, it may be necessary in individual cases to install a network license server on the customer's premises. Our support team is available for detailed information and assistance.


Installation file—TKI Licensing

The necessary licensing application is included in the installation files provided to you. If you deploy your licenses via a network license server, please install TKI Licensing manually on the computer of the license server. You can find the installation file in the “Standard installation files” section.

With TKI Licensing, you can: 


The installation, setup and functionality of TKI Licensing require a current version of the Microsoft .NET framework, current version 4.7.1.

“FlexNet Operations” customer portal

We also provide you with the “FlexNet Operations” customer portal for the administration of your licenses. You can reach it via the following link: . For the registration process, all software coordinators named to us have received an email with a user name and further information.

Before you start setting up the licenses, we recommend that you complete the registration in the customer portal. In the course of these instructions, we will refer to the customer portal at a given point.

Checking the licensing type already stored with FlexNet Operations  

  • For customers with multi-user licenses and license servers, we recommend the network license server.
  • Customers with single-user licenses can easily access our online license server.

If you are unsure which license type applies to you, you can view our Preselection via the license portal “FlexNet Operations”.

You can reach this license portal via the following link: 

Each time you log in you will begin at the start page.

Click on “Devices” to view the details of the previously entered devices.



If an entry under “Devices” (with the type cloud license servers) already exists, then we have stored an online license server. You can find further information on the online license server here.

If there is no entry under “Devices”, we have provided network licensing, which must be configured by you. You can find further information on the network license server here.