Splitting ducts

The “Splite ducts” workflow is used to separate ducts while retaining their attributes. Both the descriptive information about the duct and the subordinate ducts, microducts and cables occupying it are transferred to the new duct sections.


Start the workflow in Workflow Explorer > Duct workflows > Split ducts by double-clicking it, from the context menu or by clicking the mceclip8.png button in the lower right area of the workflow explorer:


or in the NET Planning tab:


Ducts can also be separated in the duct-connection editor.


Select the duct to be separated in the graphic. If you are working with ducts without geometry, select the appropriate segment.


A summary of the assignment will open.


1. Select the duct to be separated.
2. If you want to separate several ducts at the same time, press the “Multiple selection” button.
3. Set a check mark for the ducts to be separated or
4. select all ducts.
5. The workflow is started when the “Split” button is pressed.

Determine the point in the graphic at which the duct is to be separated. Any point on the duct or the segment can be selected. If the duct is to be separated at a point present in the graphic, then work with the snap modes.


A query appears asking which of the ducts should be connected using a fitting: