Cross section templates are used to display the segment cross sections on segment sections. In the cross-section templates, the size of the display of the cross sections, the maximum segment occupancy and the arrangement of the ducts in the segment are controlled.
The user can define any desired number of segment cross section templates, which are then available for selection in the segment form.
Start the workflow in Workflow Explorer > Survey plan workflows > Create cross section template by double-clicking it, from the context menu or by clicking the button in the lower right area of the workflow explorer:
A unique name of the new cross section template must be entered. (1) | |
The number of snappoints that should be available next to each other in the template must be selected. (2) | |
The number of snappoints that should be available one above the other in the template must be selected. (3) | |
The horizontal distance between the snap points must be entered. (4) | |
The vertical distance between the snap points must be entered. (5) | |
The distance of the snappoints to the border must be entered. (6) | |
The distance of the snappoints to the border must be entered. (7) | |
In Geometry setting, it is possible to select where the reference line between the cross section image and segment is to be created, whether only the display of the ducts and cables—without decoration—or only an identification of the segment floor is to be created: (8) |
Click OK to create the cross section template. Created cross section templates are available immediately. (9) |
For the distance between the snappoints and to the edges, values between 1 and 10 can be selected. For very large values above 10, there is an additional prompt asking whether you really want to continue.
If the distance between the snappoints is to be individually configured, the cross section template must be created manually.
Creating a cross section template manually
If you do not want to create symmetrical cross section templates such as those created in the workflow, the cross section templates can also be created manually.
In Industry Model Explorer > Cross Section > “Digitize with form”, the origin, lines and snappoints of the cross section template are digitized. The process starts with the origin of the cross section template.
The snappoints, the cross section origin and a cross section line must be digitalized.
A position number must be assigned to the snappoints. If the user does not select a snappoint when assigning ducts to segments, the duct is automatically assigned to the snappoint with position number 1 or the next free one.
In Industry Model Explorer > Cross Section Origin > Templates > “Create from selection”, you are prompted to select all elements of the cross section template in the graphic.
First, the objects in the graphic are selected. The reference point and the alignment of the cross section template are then determined.
This will open the template manager.
The name of the new template is entered and saved.
The new cross section template is displayed on the left in the list.
The FID of the cross section (cross section origin) creates the connection between the individual segment cross section template elements. The FID is entered in the “Cross section” field for the respective elements.
The entry of the FID for the snappoints via “global change” is recommended.
The segment cross section template is immediately available and can be assigned to a segment.
Already-defined segemnt cross section templates are displayed in the template manager. Templates that are no longer needed can be deleted here.
To define duct cross sections, please read on under Creating a duct template.