In order to be able to assign other ducts and cables to ducts, it must be defined at which snappoint of the duct the elements are to be arranged. The duct template is used for this purpose. With the number of snappoints in the duct template, users specify the number of elements to be assigned to a duct.
Start the workflow in Workflow Explorer > Duct workflows > Create duct template by double-clicking it, from the context menu or by clicking the button in the lower right area of the workflow explorer:
or on the NET Master Data tab:
or in the “Edit” menu in the Duct type:
The following dialog opens:
1. Duct templates are created for the individual duct types. The duct type for which the template is to be created must be selected from the drop-down list.
2. Already-defined duct templates for the selected duct type are displayed in the drop-down list.
3. You can specify whether the first subordinate duct is to be placed inside or outside.
4. The origin of the duct template is created by pressing the “Digitize origin point” button.
5. Enter the number of snappoints.
6. Use “Add snappoints” to create the snappoints in the graphic.
7. You have the option of entering a name for the newly created template. If you do not enter a name, one will be automatically formed from the duct type and number of snappoints.
8. Click OK to confirm your inputs and initiate the creation of the template.
When displaying ducts in the segment cross section, make sure that the duct type definitions are consistent with one another in terms of their drawing size in the graphic.
Modifying a duct template
If the geometry (diameter) of a duct type has been changed, it may be necessary to redefine the positions of the snappoints in the duct template.
The duct template that is no longer valid will be deleted. The new duct template is then created in accordance with the workflow.
To delete the duct template, start the “Template Manager” in the Industry Model Explorer > Duct > Templates > Manage:
or in the NET planning tab:
In the template manager, you have the option of editing the duct and Cross Section templates
1. The duct templates have to be opened by clicking on .
2. The duct template to be deleted is highlighted with a checkmark.
3. The processing step to be executed (e.g., deletion) is selected.
4. The template manager will be closed.
The new duct template can now be created. This must then be reassigned to the ducts.
Creating a duct template manually
If no round duct templates are to be created, as they arise in the workflow, or if duct templates with asymmetrically distributed snappoints are to be created, the duct templates can also be created manually.
The positions of the snappoints of the duct template are digitized via Industry Model Explorer > Cross Section > Snappoint. In doing so, attention must be paid to the drawing size of the duct type for which the duct template is to be created.
The position numbers in the records of the snappoints are zero.
These must be numbered accordingly.
Click on Templates > Create from selection in the context menu in Industry Model Explorer > Cross Section > Snappoint.
The individual snappoints are selected | The origin of the duct template is specified | The orientation of the duct template is specified. |
The name of the duct template must be entered.
The name of the duct template must be stored.
Select Industry Model Explorer > Systemtabellen > TB_TEMPLATE and open the form.
If the system tables are not visible in the Industry Model Explorer, they have to be displayed in the Infrastructure Administrator. To do this, select the template extension in the corresponding project under Modules:
In the Explorer Manager, the definition “System” must be added in the profile, the Systemtabellen must be activated and the structure must be saved.
The FID of the duct type is required.
The FID of the duct type must be entered in the corresponding record of the TB_TEMPLATE form.
The duct template can now be assigned to the duct type (or individual ducts).
The display model for the segment cross section must be adjusted accordingly for the ducts in the cross section, e.g., for flatliners.