Verify the duct geometry

The workflow is used to check duct geometries and for the geometrically error-free assignment to segments and ducts.


Start the workflow in Workflow Explorer > Duct workflows > Verify duct geometries by double-clicking it, from the context menu or by clicking the mceclip1.png button in the lower right area of the workflow explorer:

Arbeitsablauf_Rohrgeometrie prüfen_starten_engl.png

The following dialog opens:

Arbeitsablauf_Rohrgeometrie prüfen_geöffnet_engl.png

1. You can select how the feature selection is to be made.

Arbeitsablauf_Rohrgeometrie prüfen_Objektauswahl_engl.png

a) The workflow can be carried out for all ducts in the project.
b) The workflow can be carried out for the ducts of all segments in the project.
c) The ducts to be checked can be filtered beforehand according to the desired criteria.
d) The features to be checked can be selected in the map.
e) The segments of the ducts to be checked can be filtered beforehand according to the desired criteria.

2. The entries can be added or removed.

The check is started by pressing the mceclip4.png button.

3. As a result, the ducts are listed with name or FID.

Arbeitsablauf_Rohrgeometrie prüfen_Ergebnis_engl.png

4. Segments/ducts to which the duct is geometrically correctly assigned are grouped. The geometry error is located between the grouped segments/ducts. The position of the geometry error can be made visible by highlighting.

Arbeitsablauf_Rohrgeometrie prüfen_Ergebnis_Kontextmenü_engl.png

5. Within the groups, the segments/ducts are listed with FID (a) or name (b).

Arbeitsablauf_Rohrgeometrie prüfen_Ergebnis_Objekte in Gruppen_engl.png

The following functions can be used via the context menu:


After the errors have been corrected and the workflow has been carried out again, no more ducts are listed as a result.
