Points and lines

Point and lines are the basic elements of a communication network. In order to record or extend a network, it is necessary to add new elements.



The data of the individual point elements are displayed in the Point form, which is opened in Industry Model Explorer > Utility > Point. All basic data for the point element is documented.


Attribute Description
Attribute featureclass Indicates the point type of the point. Clicking on mceclip3.png opens the detailed form for the current record. The mceclip4.png button shows the detailed forms for all points in the filter. (1)
Name The name of the point is displayed or can be entered. (2)
State This shows the status of the point. The state can be changed via the drop-down list (click on mceclip5.png). Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing the various statuses. (3)
Created by Displays the name of the creator of the point. The creator can be selected or changed via the drop-down list (click on mceclip5.png). Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing persons. By clicking on mceclip7.png, a person can be transferred from the database as the creator. The selection is made either directly or by entering the person’s address. (4)
Created on Displays the creation date for the point. The date can be changed by clicking on mceclip8.png. (5)
Shutdown Displays the decommissioning date for the point. The date can be changed by clicking on mceclip8.png. (6)
Building Displays the installation location as the name of the building. The installation location (the building) can be changed via the drop-down list (click on mceclip5.png). Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing buildings. Clicking on mceclip9.png makes it possible to select the installation location (building) for the current point from the graphic. (7)
Client Displays the name of the client of the point. The client can be selected or changed via the drop-down list (click on mceclip5.png). Double-clicking on the field opens the detailed form for managing persons. By clicking on mceclip7.png, a person can be transferred from the database as the client (see No. 4). The selection is made either directly or by entering the person’s address. (8)
Info Entry of information about the point. (9)
New (Prototype) Creates a new point using the current point as a prototype, i.e., the attributes of the current point are applied to the new point. The name of the new point is prefixed with the string specified in the prototype options in Industry-model options > NET options > General tab. For more information on creating a new point, see Adding new objects. (10)

Menu items

A Connection Overview can be displayed via “Network exploration”.




The data of the individual line elements are displayed in the Line form, which is opened in Industry Model Explorer > Utility > Line. All basic data for the line element is documented.


Attribute Description
Attribute featureclass Indicates the line type of the line. Clicking on mceclip3.png opens the detailed form for the current record. The mceclip4.png button shows the detailed forms for all lines in the filter. (1)
Name The name of the point is displayed or can be entered. (2)
State Shows the status of the line. The state can be changed via the drop-down list (click on mceclip5.png). Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing the various statuses. (3)
Created by Displays the name of the creator of the line. The creator can be selected or changed via the drop-down list (click on mceclip5.png). Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing persons. By clicking on mceclip7.png, a person can be transferred from the database as the creator. The selection is made either directly or by entering the person’s address. (4)
Created on Displays the creation date for the line. The date can be changed by clicking on mceclip8.png. (5)
Shutdown Displays the decommissioning date for the line. The date can be changed by clicking on mceclip8.png. (6)
Building Displays the installation location as the name of the building. The installation location (the building) can be changed via the drop-down list (click on mceclip5.png). Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing buildings. Clicking on mceclip9.png makes it possible to select the installation location (building) for the current line from the graphic. (7)
Client Displays the name of the client of the line. The client can be selected or changed via the drop-down list (click on mceclip5.png). Double-clicking on the field opens the detailed form for managing persons. By clicking on mceclip7.png, a person can be transferred from the database as the client (see No. 4). The selection is made either directly or by entering the person’s address. (8)
Info Entry of information about the line. (9)
User length An actual length can be entered as the user length (for example, if the measured length does not correspond to the actual length when using cable loops). This length is then used for calculations. The user-length options are set here.
If a line has been split, the user lengths for the newly created lines must be updated.
Length The automatically determined length of the line is displayed. If no user length is specified, the CAD length is used for calculations.
Total length Determines the sum of the user and automatic lengths of the lines in the filter.
New (Prototype) Creates a new line using the current line as a prototype, i.e., the attributes of the current line are applied to the new line. The name of the new line is prefixed with the string specified in the prototype options in Industry-model options mceclip0.pngNET options mceclip0.pngGeneral tab. For more information on creating a new line, see Adding new objects. (13)


The node relations to a parent point are displayed on the “Network” tab.


Attribute Description
Attribute featureclass Indicates the line type of the line. Clicking on mceclip3.png opens the detailed form for the current record. The mceclip4.png button shows the detailed forms for all lines in the filter. (1)
Name The name of the point is displayed or can be entered. (2)
Parent point The name of the parent point is displayed or can be selected by clicking from a drop-down list. Clicking allows you to select the higher-layer point from the graphic. (3)

Menu items

A Connection Overview can be displayed via “Network exploration”.


Selecting the person from the database

A person can be selected directly or via the location/house/name assignment.
