When working with NET Engineering, users can set various options that the program then uses by default.
The form is opened by clicking on the button on the “Setup” tab in Group > “Options” or in the “NET” tab in Group > “Settings” by clicking on the
The NET options folder manages the settings for the NET modules. You can find general settings for NET under NET options in the General, Colors-and-layers, and Bill-of-material tabs. You can find settings for the individual modules under FO, survey plan and telecommunications. If settings are changed, the user must confirm this with .
General tab I
1. Options for the forms. This specifies how data should be updated if the line or point form and the associated detailed form are open and another record is selected in the line or point form.
2. Option for the user length of lines. If the option is selected with a checkmark, the CAD length is automatically transferred to the User-length field. Users have the option of specifying a correction factor. If the box is not checked, the User-length field will be left blank and can be populated by the user if required.
3. The prototype options can be used to define which character string is to be used to precede the name for objects created via .
4. It is possible to select which options should be displayed in the connection plan.
5. The license set by default that was selected when opening the industry model can be reset here.
General tab II
1. You can choose whether information about the creator and editor as well as the date of the editing are to be displayed in the forms.
2a) You can specify from which fields in the Person form the name is to be formed. The placeholders "[{COMPANY}[{?FIRST_NAME}{?LAST_NAME}, ]][[{TITLE} ]{FIRST_NAME} {LAST_NAME}]" can be used to access the company, first name, surname and title of the person. The name is created even if not all fields are filled.
2b) If you press the button, the names of all persons are changed immediately according to the new scheme. If the button is not clicked, the new naming scheme applies only to newly created records in the Person form.
3a) It is possible to specify which objects are to be displayed in the Ends-info field in the service’s form.
3b) A separator can be defined.
The Help button provides information on how to define the fields:
4. It is possible to set which logo is to be inserted in the reports.
5. You can specify whether the geometric assignment of cable sections and ducts without their own geometry to segments should be permanently checked for correctness.
A corresponding entry is then made immediately in the form:
6. The previous connection editor can be used instead of the new one. If this option is activated, the project must then be reopened.
Colors and layers
This is where the colors and widths of lines and network paths are defined when coloring in the graphic.
1. The color, line width and the layer on which the lines should lie is specified.
2. The colors to be used for coloring the cables according to their utilization (connecting of a cable with services) are defined.
Bill of material
1. Selection of the geometric relationship between the objects and the surrounding polygon, the cluster.
a) Only segments, ducts, cables, etc., that lie completely within the cluster are taken into account.
b) The lengths of segments, ducts, cables that intersect the cluster boundary are calculated up to this boundary and output. If the bill of material is exported from several clusters, the overview shows the length of the entire segment, etc., and in each of the individual clusters, only the length of the segments within the cluster is displayed.
2. Select whether the bill of material should only be created for objects whose type has been assigned a price in the FO, TP or duct areas.
3. A price per splice may be specified.
4. Additional information that is managed in the specific types can be exported to the bill of material as separate columns.
The cluster type can be selected that should preferably be displayed in the building form. All existing cluster types can be selected in the selection list.
The cluster type "CO Cluster" was selected in the NET options:
The cluster type is assigned to the cluster:
The cluster is displayed in the building: