Survey plan

When working with NET Engineering, users can set various options that the program then uses by default.
The form is opened by clicking on the mceclip1.pngbutton on the “Setup” tab in Group > “Options” or in the “NET” tab in Group > “Settings” by clicking on the mceclip2.png button.

General tab


The format of the display is controlled under “Duct connection graphics—Distances and lengths”. For distances and lengths, the decimal separator must be a comma.
1. Specification of the distance between groups.
2. Enter the maximum length of a group line. The value must not be less than 2.
3. In the text field it can be freely defined how a duct is to be designated in the duct connection graphic. Placeholders can be used for this purpose. These placeholders must be written in braces {...} and can include attributes of the attribute feature and geometry feature. Attributes of the geometry feature are marked with "#". Links to other tables are specified in the form "source attribute" and "target attribute" to be displayed in the target table, e.g.: {FID_TYPE:NAME}. All placeholders can hold a default value that is shown whenever replacing a placeholder is unsuccessful. To specify a default value use a semicolon within the braces, e.g.: {#STATUS;unknown}.

Examples of placeholders are {#NAME}, {#FID} and {#STATUS} - name, FID, and status of the object; {COLOR:VALUE}/{COLOR2:VALUE} - first and second color of a duct; {FID_TYPE:NAME} - name of the type.

Any separators can be used between the placeholders.

4. The Help button provides information on how to define the field:


“Feature rules”
5. Ducts connected via fittings can be automatically jointly renamed.
6. You can specify whether or not the duct lengths should be automatically re-calculated. If this option has been deactivated, the duct lengths must be manually re-calculated after editing duct or segment geometries.
7. You can specify whether the duct configuration should be checked when assigning internal ducts.
8. You can specify whether the trench cross section is to be recreated when the segment geometry is changed.

"Feature assignments"
9. If ducts or cables are assigned to other segments or ducts, the assignment is ended with ESCAPE.
10. If ducts or cables are assigned to further segments or ducts, the assignment is terminated after the first object.

Segment content tab


The display of the occupancy details can be set under “Segment content”.
1. Both the cable and duct occupancies can be entered together in one segment.
2. The segment assignments can be displayed regardless of this.
The object designations can be defined differently for the segment content.
3. The Help button provides information on how to define the fields:


4. In the text fields you can freely define how the objects (duct, cable, segment) are to be designated. Various placeholders can be freely defined. These placeholders must be written in braces {...} and can include attributes of the attribute feature and geometry feature. Attributes of the geometry feature are marked with "#". Links to other tables are specified in the form "source attribute" and "target attribute" to be displayed in the target table, e.g.: {FID_TYPE:NAME}. To display the position number you can use $POSITION_NUMBER. If the level is to be displayed as a number instead of the indentation character, the attribute $LEVEL can be used.
5. A character can be defined, which precedes the designations, depending on the hierarchy of the trench occupancy.
6. The duct types for which the text should be displayed can be selected.

Duct point label tab


1. You can specify for which fittings to the duct points, the duct point label should be displayed.
2. The help button opens the online help.

3. In the text field it can be freely defined how duct bundles and micro ducts are to be designated. Placeholders can be used for this purpose. These placeholders must be written in braces {...} and can include attributes of the attribute feature and geometry feature. Attributes of the geometry feature are marked with "#". Links to other tables are specified in the form "source attribute" and "target attribute" to be displayed in the target table, e.g.: {FID_TYPE:NAME}. All placeholders can hold a default value that is shown whenever replacing a placeholder is unsuccessful. To specify a default value use a semicolon within the braces, e.g.: {#STATUS;unknown}.

Examples of placeholders are {#NAME}, {#FID} and {#STATUS} - name, FID, and status of the object; {COLOR:VALUE}/{COLOR2:VALUE} - first and second color of a duct; {FID_TYPE:NAME} - name of the type.

Any separators can be used between the placeholders. The indentation character applies both to the bundles and to the microducts.

If the parent duct bundle has no connection, a placeholder can also be entered for "Empty Bundle (DB)".

Duct workflow tab

NET-Optionen_Lageplan_Arbeitsabläufe Rohr_engl.png

1. Various options can be activated, individually or all of them. You can find out more about this here.
2. The settings for the Edit duct connections workflow are specified.
3. The Help button provides information on how to define the fields:


4. In the text field it can be freely defined how segments, ducts, and cables are to be designated. Placeholders can be used for this purpose. These placeholders must be written in braces {...} and can include attributes of the attribute feature and geometry feature. Attributes of the geometry feature are marked with "#". Links to other tables are specified in the form "source attribute" and "target attribute" to be displayed in the target table, e.g.: {FID_TYPE:NAME}. All placeholders can hold a default value that is shown whenever replacing a placeholder is unsuccessful. To specify a default value use a semicolon within the braces, e.g.: {#STATUS;unknown}.

Examples of placeholders are {#NAME}, {#FID} and {#STATUS} - name, FID, and status of the object; {COLOR:VALUE}/{COLOR2:VALUE} - first and second color of a duct; {FID_TYPE:NAME} - name of the type.

Any separators can be used between the placeholders.