Name Scheme type and Name Scheme attribute type

Name Scheme type

In NET Engineering, users have the option of defining various types of designation scheme themselves. The form is opened by double-clicking in the type field in the name scheme form.


There are two types of designation scheme: numbering and color.


Attribute Description
ID The ID of the record is displayed. (1)
Short value A short name for the name scheme type can be entered. (2)
Value Input of the name for the name scheme type. (3)
Created on The date when the record was created can be selected. (4)
Designer The name of the person who created the record can be entered. (5)
Comment A comment on the record can be entered. (6)
Active Only active name scheme types can be selected from the drop-down list in the detailed form for name schemes. (7)
Priority A priority for the name scheme type can be assigned. (8)
Name scheme Clicking on mceclip2.pnglists all name schemes that use the current name scheme type. The mceclip3.pngbutton displays all name schemes to which a name scheme type has been assigned in the filter. (9)

Name scheme attribute type

Double-clicking in the “Type” field in the Name scheme attribute form opens the name scheme attribute form. The attribute type is defined in this form. One or more values can be assigned to an attribute type. These values are displayed in the numbering-value form. New name attributes can be created using the menu item mceclip3.png.



Name Attribute-type name. (1)
Info Descriptive information about the attribute type. (2)
Value Value of the attribute type. The values can be numbers, letters or words. (3)
Sequence A sequence is assigned to the value from (3). Reference is made to these sequence entries in the Start and End fields in the Name Scheme attribute form. (4)
Assignments All values that this attribute type can assume are displayed. (5)
All attributes that use this attribute type are displayed. (6)