General troubleshooting tips

If the software indicates an error or problem to you or the performance is unsatisfactory, there are general tips that can help correct the problem.


Have you already run 1-click maintenance?

Have you already deleted the map cache? 


Have you emptied the embedded directory?

To do this, close the drawing and Map 3D. In the Explorer, enter “temp” or open the Run dialog box (Windows+R), enter “%temp%” and then click “OK” to run.

Your temporary files will then be displayed. Clear all directories in the EMBEDDED folder.

Have you opened more than on SQLite file in Map 3D? 

If possible, we recommend that you do not open two SQLite files at the same time. The connection to the correct database can otherwise be lost.

Do you have a default style for each layer in the display model? 

We recommend that you define a default style for each layer.

Does the process stop with an error report? 

Please submit your error report to us. Briefly describe at which step/form the error was triggered. We will use the error report for error analysis and forward it to the development department.