FTTx Design Wizard

To be able to run the FTTx Design Wizard, certain conditions must be met. If these are met, the FTTx Design Wizard can be started. If the planning has not provided the desired results, all elements that were created during the planning can be removed in one operation.


Start the FTTx Design Wizard in the Workflow Explorer under Planning Workflows:

or in the NET planning tab:

The following dialog opens:

1. The cluster boundary must be selected.
2. A central point—manhole or cabinet—must be selected.
3. If operations 1 and 2 have been carried out, the buildings for which the planning is carried out are displayed here.

Prerequisites for the use of the FTTx Design Wizard are:

Preparation for using the FTTx Design Wizard

Digitization of a cluster

Digitize a cluster boundary. This should include all buildings and trenches in the planning area. You can find more information under Cluster.

Digitizing a central distribution point

Digitize a central distribution point in the cluster. This can be a manhole or a cabinet.

Digitization of a trench

Digitize a trench starting at the central distribution point.

You can find more information about recording under Add new objects.

FTTx Design Wizard

Start the Design Wizard. The planning is done in 5 phases.

After starting the Design Wizard, you will be in phase 1.

Selecting the planning area

1. After selecting the cluster to be planned from the graphic,
2. the name and FID of the cluster are displayed here and
3. the buildings in the cluster with all available information on address and number of LUs (living units) and BUs (business units) are displayed under “Buildings to be connected”.
4. Selecting the button with the right mouse button opens a filter.

5. The connection of buildings can be reserved. If buildings are selected in the spare column, then no drop trench will be planned for these buildings, but the appropriate microduct of the multi-duct bundle in the sequence will be kept free.
6. Right-clicking on the button opens a filter that initiates filtering for buildings with LU or BU information.

After filtering for buildings with LUs, the following buildings are displayed as buildings to be connected:

7. All buildings that have been filtered with mceclip8.pngare included in the planning.
8. Buildings intended as a spare are not yet connected, but the ducts are planned accordingly.
9. Clicking on the button starts the selection of the distribution point in the graphic.
10. The name and the FID of the selected distribution point are displayed.
11. The mceclip12.png button highlights the trenches in the graphic.

The mceclip9.png button highlights the buildings in the graphic.

12. Clicking on the “Next” button takes you to Phase 2 “Define planning options”.
13. The “Cancel” button closes the Design Wizard.

Defining planning options

General options and fiber/cable configuration:

1. This is where you specify the maximum distance up to which buildings are included in the planning.
2. The type for the drop trenches to be created can be selected.
3. The trench class can be selected.
4. Fiber and cable configuration: Specify

a) under which conditions the fiber and cable configuration is to be applied:

b) determine the number of fibers per building and/or
c) the number of fibers per living unit as well as
d) the number of fibers per business unit.

If fibers have been specified per building, the fibers are additionally created per living/business unit.

5. Selection of cable types

a) All fiber-optic cable types defined in the project are displayed here.
b) Using the buttons, the selected mceclip22.pngor all mceclip21.pngFO cable types are added to the ones to be used for FTTx planning or the selected mceclip20.pngor all mceclip19.pngFO cable types are deselected.
c)The cable types selected here are used for planning.

Even if no cable is to be planned but only ducts, a cable type must be selected. To do this, activate the “Create drop cable” option, select the cable type and deactivate the option again.

6. A planning example is displayed for the defined fiber and cable configuration:

Duct configuration

7. Set a check mark if the duct infrastructure is to be created.
a) Select the duct template for the composite duct to be used for the planning.
b) The naming scheme for the numbering of the composite ducts can be defined.
c) The naming scheme for the numbering of the duct insertions of the composite ducts can be defined.
d) The naming scheme for the numbering of the microduct insertions of the composite ducts can be defined.
e) The number with which the numbering of the composite ducts is to start can be entered.
f) The number of spare microducts to be planned at the start of the composite can be entered.
g) The number of spare microducts to be planned at the end of the composite can be entered.
h) The number of additional spare microducts to be planned in each string can be entered.
i) It can be specified whether the microducts are to be drawn from the composite duct to the drop. If this option is not activated, a new drop duct will be created.
j) This is where you select the type for the drop duct.
k) The naming scheme for the designation of the drop ducts can be defined.
l) The naming scheme for the designation of the drop-duct insertions can be defined.
m) You can selected whether the assignment of the microducts should start at the drop located closest to the start point. If the option is activated, the assignment of the microducts starts at the building furthest from the start point.
n) The type of duct insertion for the drop duct (on the building) must be selected.
o) The type of duct insertion for the open composite ducts must be selected.
p) The type of fittings for the composite ducts must be selected.
q) The type of fittings for the microducts must be selected.

Cable configuration

8. Set a check mark if the drop cable is to be created.

a) Specify whether a geometry is to be created for the cables.
b) The naming scheme for the designation of the cables can be defined.
c) The naming scheme for the designation of the cable terminators can be defined.

9. If the check mark is set, the fibers in the building terminator are placed on connectors.

a) The type of building terminator to be created must be selected.
b) The connection between the connector and the fiber can be made via a direct plug assembly. The connection is not placed in a tray.
c) The type of the trays in which the splices are to be placed must be selected.
d) The connector type must be selected.
e) The designation scheme for the connectors to be created must be selected.
f) It is possible to select whether all fibers or only the fibers required for the number of living/business units are to be placed.

Clicking on the “Next” button takes you to Phase 3 “Check specifications”.

Checking specifications

The FTTx Design Wizard starts a preliminary analysis. All steps are documented and the number of planned drops and multi-duct bundles is displayed.

Clicking on the “Next” button takes you to the summary.


The summary lists the results of the preliminary analysis for each connected building.

The position in the composite (number of the microduct used) can still be changed at this point. The positions of the other microducts will be automatically adjusted.
The planning starts to run on clicking the “Next” button.

Carrying out the planning

In the form, the progress of the planning is documented by the Design Wizard. The successful planning is displayed.

“Close” closes the workflow and updates the graphic.

FTTx planning

In the Industry Model Explorer > Administration > FTTx planning, the FTTx planning form opens with the right mouse button:

or in the NET planning tab:

The form for FTTx planning is as follows:

General tab

1. The FID of the FTTx planning is displayed
2. A name can be given to the FTTx planning. If the start point (cabinet/manhole) has a name, then this is transferred to the field.
3. The date on which the planning was created is displayed.
4. The person who created the planning is displayed.
5. The elements that were created during the planning can be opened.
6. With the deletion of the record, the entire planning and all resulting objects are deleted.

Content tab

The Content tab displays the objects created with the planning.

With the context menu on the feature class, all records belonging to the planning of this feature class can be filtered in the form or highlighted in the graphic.

If you open the tree view of the feature class, all records created with the FTTx planning are displayed with

Name                                                 or FID

The form can also be opened for these or the object can be highlighted in the graphic.