Creating house lead-in

When planning drops in the duct area, work steps have to be carried out repeatedly in the same way. If an individual microduct is to be introduced into each building, the planner can use the “Create drop” workflow for this purpose. Different, freely selectable options allow the user to plan an optimal empty-duct variant according to the customer-specific requirements and local conditions. The necessary FO cables can also be planned according to the living and business units to be connected.

Topics in this section are: Procedure, Processing stages and setting the Planning options.


Start the workflow in Workflow Explorer > Design workflows > Create drop by double-clicking it, from the context menu or by clicking the “Execute” button in the lower right area of the workflow explorer:


or on the NET Planning tab in the “Design Wizard” group:


The following dialog box opens.

after opening the workflow after the selection of a segment
mceclip0.png 1.png

1. The duct or segment can be selected in the graphic.

2. The selected segment including ducts and subordinate ducts is displayed.

segment or multi-duct bundle selected microduct or single duct selected
2.png 4.png

Depending on which object was selected in the dialogue, the workflow can be executed several times or once at this point.

3. The cluster in which the drop is located is displayed or must be selected.

4. The point where the duct starts and into which the duct must be inserted can be selected.

5. The options for the location of the drop segment may be specified.

6. Further options for the workflow can be specified by clicking on the button.
A dialog opens for specifying the planning options for duct and cable, as they are also used in the FTTx Design Wizard.

Processing stages

mceclip5.png First, the user is asked to select from the graphic the segment or duct from which drops should be created.
mceclip0.png Both the selected segement and its occupancy with ducts and microducts are displayed in a tree view. The yellow coloring of the symbols indicates that subordinate objects are still present for the corresponding feature.
Depending on the selected object
mceclip9.png segment or multi-duct bundle selected
the program determines the next free subordinate duct to the selected duct and introduces it into the building as a drop duct
mceclip8.png microduct or single duct selected
the selected duct and thus creates a drop or
mceclip10.png The cluster in which the drop is located is displayed or must be selected.
mceclip11.png The user has to select the structural point at which the duct starts. The name of the selected structural point is displayed. If there is only one structure point in the selected cluster, it is automatically displayed and used.

In order for NET to detect that the duct starts in the manhole, etc., it must be inserted into the manhole. You can find more information about this under Adding a duct insertion.

mceclip12.png After selecting the base manhole, the options for determining the location of the drop segment are available. Users have the choice of
  • automatically creating a straight segment from the selected drop point at the house vertical to the base segment,
  • digitizing the drop segment themselves, or
  • selecting an existing segment.
mceclip7.png This button opens the dialog for defining the planning options for ducts and cables.

Once users have made this choice, the creation of the drops in the graphic is initiated via the OK button.
In the command window, the user is prompted to digitize the drop point in the graphic. (Option: “create perpendicular”)


The point should be on the building line or inside the building. If the building has address information, this is transferred to the name of the cable section (if stored in the Planning options).

  • If the drop segment is already present in the graphic, the user must select the trench.
  • If the “choose branch point” option is active, the user is prompted to digitize a point on the building and a point on the base segment.

It is possible to enter several drops in succession.

Select the segment section located directly in front of the house as the base segment for the building to be connected.

  • In the course of creating a drop, cable sections and fibers can also be created. The number of fibers is variable and is specified by the user.
  • If cables and fibers are created, it is possible to create a terminator and to attach the fibers to connectors.

Examples of drop trenches

Create perpendicular

Select the point on the building.


The drop trench is created in a straight line from the building to the feeder trench.


All elements specified in the planning options are then created.

Choose branch point

Choose the point at which the drop is to be created.


If the point for the drop is not on a line/point of the building, the building to which the drop is to be assigned must then be selected in the graphic.


Select a point on the feeder trench.


All elements specified in the NET Settings are then created.


Find existing

Select the end point of the drop segment.

If you are asked for the building, select it as well.


All elements specified in the NET Settings are then created.


The workflow can only work with house service roads that consist of one data set.

Planning options



Even if no cable is to be planned but only a duct, a cable type must be selected.



