TNIM Data Exchange

TNIM is the format for data exchange between NET and other data formats. It can be used as both an export and an import function.

The TNIM Data Exchange is started in the Industry Model Explorer with the context menu of the project.

If TNIM V2.1 is to be used, the corresponding module must be activated in the Infrastructure Administrator.


Starting the data exchange

The TNIM data exchange is started in the Industry Model Explorer by right-clicking on the corresponding entry.


TNIM export

If the export is selected, the following dialog appears:


It is recommended that you use version TNIM V2. After selecting the version, the export file must be specified.

An *.tnim file is created in the export. For this, the directory must be selected and a file name must be specified.

The network level must then be selected.


The area restriction can be specified via a polygon in the graphic.

TNIM_Dialog_Button_Polygon wählen.png TNIM_Dialog_Tooltipp_Polygon wählen_engl.png
TNIM_Dialog_Button_Polygon entfernen.png TNIM_Dialog_Tooltipp_Polygon entfernen_engl.png

If a polygon is selected, only the elements of this area are exported.
If a cluster has been selected for area restriction, its name is displayed.


If a polygon without a name has been selected, only “selected” is displayed.


The following options can be activated as required:

  • export additional attributes
  • overwrite sources (if this option is activated, the current project is stored as the data source for all objects in the TNIM data)
  • export topography
  • export administration
  • export fibre optic network

The export is started with the “Start” button and can be documented in a log file in CSV format.


Finally, the dialog can be ended by pressing the “Close” button.

TNIM import

If the import is selected, the following dialog appears:


Version TNIM V2 is available for import. The import file must first be specified.

The file to be imported must be available in *.tnim format. This must be selected in the corresponding directory.


The network layer must then be selected


The import is started with the “Start” button and can be documented in a log file in CSV format.


Finally, the dialog can be ended by pressing the “Close” button.


Certain information from a NET Engineering project is not exported.

In particular these are

  • views of any kind
  • everything that has to do with reports, memory tables
  • saved options of the user
  • information about used modules
  • information of a feature about creator, creation date etc.

Information about the project is not part of the TNIM format

  • labels and label definitions
  • information from the display model
  • dialog definitions
  • Duct Connection Illustration and FO Splice Illustration

The following topics are not content of the TNIM format

  • work orders
  • service specifications
  • naming schemes
  • notes
  • parcels, action areas
  • duct point- these are created when importing to fittings
  • cross-section diagrams, snappoints
  • FTTx planning information

Some other topics are not considered

  • services, service channels etc.
  • breakdowns
  • measurements
  • drillings

For projects with customizations missing

  • customer attributes to NET engineering features, unless "Export additional attributes" was checked when exporting
  • custom feature classes & domains


Additional information concerning data relationships is provided in the following documents:

TNIM Datamodel Documentation