Basic data is required for creating a high-level plan in NET Design. At least the following are necessary:
- Georeferenced addresses and
- Street Center Lines.
In addition,
- existing infrastructure, such as ducts and cables,
- existing layer points, such as backbone points, POP, distribution points such as manholes and cabinets, and
- existing clusters
- parcel information
can also be included in the plan.
If this data is available digitally, it can be imported via the import button. Workflows are available for the manual entry of data.
The automated import can process data in the formats CSV, Excel, GeoJSON, Kml, Oracle, Shape, SQLite, as well as from other Map3D industry models and Fiber Designer projects. Data from NET Cloud can also be imported.
Please get an overview of the available basic data before importing. Especially, it is important to know the information behind each attribute. This information is required when importing for the mapping of attributes.