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NET Design
About NET Design
Necessary input data for a design
Schematic process flow of a design
Overview of the user interface
NET Field Survey Data Model
Design preparation
Creating a template file
Starting a planning project
Importing Data
Creating data manually
Specifying Ring Strategy
Performing the comsof preprocessing
See all 8 articles »
Prepare and perform calculation
Create atesio design rules and execute a calculation
Evaluate results and follow up
Overview of Results
Results in Detail
atesio Bill of Materials
Modifying Result Data
Defining and changing Drop Trenches
Create Divisible Cluster
Export results
Create low level design/ Export to NET Engineering
Exports to other data formats
Creating Plots with DocPack
Overview of Comsof Fiber commands
Comsof Error Messages and Possible Solutions
Comsof limitations and workarounds
Further Documentation
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I am looking for (e.g. import data, planning rules, separate ducts...)