For a topologically correct course of ducts, it is necessary to provide them with duct insertions at the start and end, and to connect all sections with fittings. This is implemented via workflows.
The start and end of a duct routing are marked with duct insertions. With the workflow “Add duct insertion”, the duct insertions are assigned to the respective duct and, if necessary, to a structural system (manhole, cabinet, pole, fiber-optic terminator, building).
Different duct sections can be connected via fittings using the “Set duct fitting” or “Edit duct connections” workflow (duct connection editor). If more than two ducts are to be connected to one another at one point, this is only possible with the “Set duct fitting” workflow; the duct-connection editor is not suitable for this purpose. A corresponding fitting type must be created in advance.
If the ducts have been connected with fittings, the assignment of a cable takes place over the entire run and not just for the individual duct. The ending overview shows a tracing from the duct insertion via fittings to the next duct insertion or an open end.
Duct insertions and fittings can be described in more detail in the respective forms with name, type and status. In contrast to the duct insertion, which is already given its structural assignment during the workflow, the fitting can subsequently be given this assignment in the form.
Duct insertions and fittings must not simply be digitized or regenerated from the Industry-Model Explorer. This is because no assignment to the corresponding duct is possible in this way.