The trench type defines the surface and / or construction of a trench. Trench types are created when importing street center lines or can be generated manually.
A cost can be assigned to the trench types in the rules under sub-type.
Opening the form
The following options are available for opening the form:
- In the Industry Model Explorer by right-clicking on Object class > Show form
- by double-clicking in the “Trench Type” field in the form for “Street Center Lines” or “Possible Trench”
Form details
Trench types are given the following attributes by default:
Attribute / Form entry / Button | Meaning |
Name | Name of the trench type |
Possible Trenches | Jump button to the possible trenches that use this trench type |
Street Center Lines | Jump button to the street center lines that use this trench type |
Creating new records
You create new entries for the trench type via the Sun icon in the footer of the form. Enter a name for the trench type. Please be sure to avoid entries of the same name.