
If you want to specify clusters in the planning, these are stored in the “Cluster” feature class. You can import records for clusters, digitize them manually, or create them using the “Lock Results” workflow.

Data in the Clusters feature class are specified values that are never changed by the optimization.

Opening the form

The following options are available for opening the form:

  • In the Industry Model Explorer by right-clicking on Feature class > Show form

additionally, for feature classes with geometry,

  • by double-clicking on the geometry in the graphic window
  • by single-clicking on the geometry in the graphic window and display the form by pressing the  mceclip0.png button in the Industry Model Explorer


Form details

Clusters are given the following attributes by default:

Main form

Attribute / Form entry / Button


Aggregation ID

This is the cluster’s name. The aggregation ID must be unique per network layer. Corresponding clusters and layer points are linked via the aggregation ID. Numbers and letters can be used for this.

Is Divisible

Yes: defines in the distribution layer that the optimization can form smaller distribution clusters within this default cluster. The attribute applies only to the distribution layer. The default value is No.

Cluster type: Default / Cable Cluster


Cluster of a specific network layer

Cable cluster

The “Cable Cluster” value is used in the shared cable strategy → multiple use of the cable. A cable cluster encompasses all layer points that are to be served by a cable.

Layer Type

Distribution layer, feeder layer, backbone layer

Resulting Cluster

Use this button to jump to the calculated result: Cluster.

Calculated Values

The number of demand points within the cluster, including the demand units, is displayed here.

61: The sum of all units

(60): The sum of the units to be connected

The value is updated when the cluster is redrawn.

Detailed form

Attribute / Form entry / Button


Planning attribute value

If user-defined attributes were imported during the import, these can be found here.