Opening the form
The following options are available for opening the form:
- In the Industry Model Explorer by right-clicking on Feature class > Show form
additionally, for feature classes with geometry,
- by double-clicking on the geometry in the graphic window
- by single-clicking on the geometry in the graphic window and display the form by pressing the
button in the Industry Model Explorer
With the “Subarea” feature class, you have the option of defining a geographical area for which you:
1. can apply a specific rules when planning
2. can write the bill of material into a named parts list = tab in the bill of material.
Likewise, defining a subarea has the effect that the automated clustering of the distribution layer remains within the Subcluster. Alternatively, an input cluster in which the “Divisible” attribute is activated can be defined to resolve this task.
Subarea parts-list name
A tab is created in the material list under the name entered there.
Subarea rules
In the planning settings (optimizer settings), you define a rules that is to be applied to the subarea. Enter the name of the rules in “Rules”. Thus, exactly this rules is used for the defined subarea. The rules only affects the distribution layer and drop layer.
If the planning settings contain several planning rules, generally the active valid rules must be selected. This is used for all demand points, etc., which are not assigned to any subarea.