Home Point

Entries in the “Home Points” visualise individual parts of buildings. Demand points are generated from home points via the “Demand Points” preprocessing step. Several home points with the same terminator ID are combined into one demand point. 

Opening the form

The following options are available for opening the form:

  • In the Industry Model Explorer by right-clicking on Feature class > Show form

additionally, for feature classes with geometry,

  • By double-clicking on the geometry in the graphic window
  • By single-clicking on the geometry in the graphic window and display the form by pressing the  mceclip0.png button in the Industry Model Explorer

The “Home Point” form consists of a main “Home Point” form and the detailed forms for “Resident Amount” and “Planning attribute value”.



Form details

Home points are given the following attributes by default:

Main form

Attribute / Form entry / Button



Home points with the same terminator ID are combined into one demand point when carrying out the “Demand Points” preprocessing step.


ZIP code






Street abbreviation

House Number

House number

Is Included

Determines whether the home point will be included in the planning.

Demand point Jump button to the demand point that was created via the corresponding preprocessing step.

Detailed form for the Resident Amount

Attribute / Form entry / Button



This is where you can find the number of living and business units, schools, hospitals and public institutions. 

Adoption Rate

The connection quota can be defined here.

Expected Revenue

This is where the expected revenues are entered.


Display of the FID of the building to which the detailed record belongs

Demand Point

Display of the FID of the demand point to which the detailed record belongs

Home Point

Display of the FID of the home point to which the detailed record belongs

Resident Type

Specification of terminators by living unit, business unit, hospital, school or public institution 

Detailed form for the planning attribute value

If user-defined attributes were imported during the import, these can be found in the planning attribute values.

Attribute / Form entry / Button



User-defined attribute value


User-defined attribute name


FID of the record to which the planning attribute value belongs