Settings for the Export— Clusters


Other cluster > for project-specific customer adjustments

Other cluster type > for project-specific customer adjustments

Placeholders Explanation


This is the aggregation ID of the cluster.



This is a combination of the aggregation IDs of the higher layer clusters.

The IDs are separated by periods. The last ID is that of the cluster immediately above. 



This placeholder is replaced by the city of the associated layer point (input). 


This placeholder is replaced by the ZIP code of the associated layer point (input). 


This placeholder is replaced by the street of the associated layer point (input).



This placeholder is replaced by the house number of the associated layer point (input). 



This is a global counter that is set across all network layers. 


This is a counter that is set per network layer. 



This corresponds to the aggregation ID of the higher layer cluster followed by the aggregation ID of this cluster.

All IDs are separated by periods. 


This placeholder is replaced by the name of the linked device at the backbone layer.


This placeholder is replaced by the name of the linked device at the same network layer.

Cluster type

This is where you can enter free text. Each cluster on the corresponding network layer is assigned to a cluster type with the name defined in this way. If such a cluster type already exists in the NET Engineering template or the NET Engineering project, it will be used, otherwise it will be newly created.