
In order to be able to assign an installation location to points and lines, it is necessary to manage buildings in a separate form. The key information about the building, such as the address and assigned components, can be seen at a glance.
The form for the building is opened by right-clicking on Industry Model Explorer > Topography > Building.



Attribute Description
Name The name is automatically formed from the street and the house number. To do this, the “AutoNaming function” must be activated in the infrastructure administrator. If this is not the case, this field can be populated as desired. (1)
Abbreviation The abbreviation is automatically formed from the street abbreviation and house number. (2)
Connection status This indicates whether the building is connected or not. This can be done manually if there is a cable terminator in the house. If a duct ends with a duct insertion in the building, the connection status is automatically set to YES. (3)
City filter The city where the building is located can be selected. Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing cities. (4)
Postcode Clicking on mceclip5.png opens the drop-down list opens and the Postcode can be selected. Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing ZIP codes. (5)

The Cluster field displays whether the building is within a cluster boundary. (6)

Whether and which cluster type is to be considered and displayed can be defined in the NET Settings.

Street Select the street here. Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing streets. Clicking on mceclip4.png opens the following dialog, with which a street can be imported from the database. (7)
House number

Input of the house number. The second field has room for additions such as “A” or “rear building”. (8)

Category The category assigned to the building is displayed. Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing building categories. (9)
Homes/Businesses Input of the Home (number of living units) and Businesses (number of business units) for the building. (10)
Owner This is where you select the owner from a drop-down list or the database. Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing persons. (11)
Manager This is where you select the administrator from a drop-down list or the database. Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing persons. (12)
Key In the Key field, you can specify where and with whom the key to the building is located. (13)
Information Additional information on the building can be entered. (14)
Inserted ducts The number of ducts introduced into the building is displayed. Clicking on mceclip2.png opens the duct form with the corresponding records if the ducts have been brought into the building via a duct insertion. For more information on “Creating a duct insertion”, please click here. (15)
Point Clicking on mceclip2.png open the forms for the components for which the installation location is the selected building. (16)
Documents This displays whether documents have been attached to the form. (17)



Infrastructure Administrator > Data Model > Building: Context menu > Edit feature Rules > TC_AutoNaming must be located in the “Applied Rule Bases” pane. If this rule is in “Rule Base Definitions”, it must be moved to “Applied Rule Bases” by using the “Add” arrow.


City filter

First, a city should be assigned to the building via the “city filter”. Only cities with at least one street assigned to them will be displayed in the drop-down list. Subsequently, a street (only streets that are assigned to the city are displayed), house number, LU/BU and a ZIP code can be assigned to the building.

Menu items

You can use the “Edit” menu to convert linestrings into polygons. If a building perimeter is a polygon, the color representation of both lines and surfaces can be controlled via the display model.


The forms for the labels created can be opened via the “Overviews/Reports” menu.



Users have the option of defining various categories of buildings themselves. The form is opened by double-clicking in the Category field in the Building form.




1. The ID of the building category is displayed.
2. This is where you enter the short name.
3. Enter the name of the building category here.
4. The date when the record was created can be specified.
5. The person who created the record can be entered.
6. A comment on the building category can be entered here.
7. Only active building categories can be selected from the drop-down list in the detailed form for buildings.
8. A priority can be assigned for the category.
9. The number of buildings to which this category is assigned is displayed. Clicking on mceclip2.png lists all buildings that use the current building category. The mceclip3.png button displays all buildings to which the building category has been assigned in the filter.


The form for the street is opened by right-clicking on Industry Model Explorer > Topography > Street.



1. Enter the name of the street.
2. A short name for the street can also be assigned.
3. Enter an abbreviation for the street.
4. Select the corresponding city from the drop-down list. Double-clicking on the list box opens the detailed form for managing cities.
5. Clicking on mceclip2.png lists all buildings associated with the current street category. The mceclip3.png button displays all buildings to which the streets have been assigned in the filter.
6. This displays whether documents have been attached to the form.


The form for the Postcode is opened by right-clicking on Industry Model Explorer > Topography > Postcode.



1. Enter the Postcode.
2. If the Postcode area has been geometrically recorded in the graphic, the area is displayed here.
3. All buildings to which the Postcode has been assigned as an attribute are displayed. Clicking on mceclip2.png lists all buildings associated with the current Postcode. The mceclip3.png button displays all building to which the ZIP code has been assigned in the filter.

4. All buildings that are within the geometry of the Postcode will be displayed. Clicking on mceclip2.png lists all buildings within the geometry of the Postcode.

Menu items

Postcodes can be imported to the buildings that lie geometrically in the Postcode area via the “Edit” menu. The change can be made for the Postcode of the current record or for all Postcodes in the filter.



The form for the city is opened by right-clicking on Industry Model Explorer > Topography > City.



1. Enter the name of the city.
2. Enter an abbreviation for the city.
3. This displays whether documents have been attached to the form.
4. The number of buildings assigned to the city is displayed. Clicking on mceclip2.png lists all buildings associated with the current city.
5. The number of streets assigned to the city is displayed. Clicking on mceclip2.png lists all streets associated with the current city. The mceclip3.png button displays all streets that have been assigned to the cities in the filter.